Frazier Institute


Name :

Frazier Institute

Address  :

200 Abraham Flexner Way

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Phone  :

502 582 7400

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  • Orthopedics
  • Pulmonology

Total Number Of Beds : 135


Known for worldclass care in comprehensive acute rehab Frazier Rehab Institute provides extensive therapy across a number of specialties for inpatient and outpatient rehab needs

With over 25 years of rehab experience Frazier is committed to the development of programs that combine traditional rehab with innovative therapeutic techniques

Made up of inpatient and outpatient facilities across the region Frazier incorporates a 135bed hospital on the Jewish Hospital Medical Campus over twenty communitybased outpatient rehab sites in Kentucky and southern Indiana and Southern Indiana Rehab Hospital a 60bed inpatient hospital owned in partnership with Floyd Memorial Hospital and Health Services and Clark Memorial Hospital

Extensive specialty rehab programs highly skilled therapists stateoftheart facilities and innovative therapeutic techniques have earned national recognition for Frazier Rehab Institute making it one of the top rehab institutions in the region

Frazier Rehab offers a multitude of speciality programs to meet the specialized rehab needs of patients
Preventive medicines can help migraine sufferers

Many migraine sufferers could have fewer less severe headaches if they took preventive medicines but few eligible patients do say doctors releasing updated treatment guidelines Monday The guidelines list seven prescription medicines and one herbal remedy backed by strong evidence and include many other treatments that might work for some patient... Read More

Highlevel trauma care may limit disability

The findings researchers say add to evidence that patients fare better when theyre treated under an organized trauma system where hospitals emergency services and state governments have coordinated plans for getting the right patients to the appropriate treatment Socalled Level I trauma centers provide the most comprehensive care for traumatic ... Read More