Fraser Canyon Hospital

Name :

Fraser Canyon Hospital

Address  :

1275 7th Avenue

Town  :


State  :

British Columbia

Country  :


Post Code:

V0X 1L4

Phone  :

604 869 5656

Fax  :

604 860 7732

Web URL  :


We are building centres of excellence in childrens and womens health in neurosciences trauma and cardiac care services We are building new university teaching and research space to train a new generation of doctors nurses and clinicians

We are building significant places in your community places that bring new investment and new jobs stimulate new economic development new technology and more efficient practices

We are building to help you achieve a better quality of life by increasing our efficiency decreasing congestion wait times and cancellations
Neonatal intensive care unit reunion planned in Mobile

MOBILE Alabama Some of them were born months early weighing little more than a pound Despite the odds many of the tiny infants have thrived thanks to modern medicine and countless prayers Newborns who spent time in the neonatal intensive care unit at the University of South Alabama Childrens amp Womens Hospital and their families are invited to ... Read More

How do you protect your children from household poisons

Selina Esteves thought that she knew everything when it came to protecting her children from danger The Toronto mother works at the Hospital for Sick Children and is constantly surrounded by messages about the importance of safety But she received a major jolt about four months ago when her toddler drank two bottles of liquid medication when ... Read More