Franklin County Mem Hospital

Name :

Franklin County Mem Hospital

Address  :

P.O. Box 636

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Post Code:


Phone  :

601 384 5801

Web URL  :


Franklin County Memorial Hospital established in 1951 was originally financed through a local bond issue and federal HillBurton funds

It was set up to be governed by the Board of Trustees who are appointed by the Franklin County Supervisors The Board members establish administrative policies for the hospital control hospital finances and approve patient charges and employees salaries

Since opening FCMH has grown to employ over 100 fulltime and parttime employees The hospital benefits residents of not only Franklin County but the eight surrounding counties as well

Franklin County Memorial Hospital is a quotNotforProfitquot institution approved by the state of Mississippi for participation in the Medicare and Medicaid programs and is licensed by the Mississippi State Department of Health The hospital is also a member of the Mississippi Hospital Association
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