Fountain Valley Regional Hospital

Name :

Fountain Valley Regional Hospital

Address  :

17100 Euclid Street

Town  :

Fountain Valley

State  :


Country  :


Post Code:


Phone  :

714 966 7200

Fax  :

714 966 8039

Web URL  :

  • Cardiology
  • Paediatrics

Total Number Of Beds : 400


Fountain Valley Regional Hospital and Medical Center is a 400bed fullservice acute care facility located in Western Orange County We provide a comprehensive range of health services including 24hour emergency care cardiology services maternity care advanced neonatal and pediatric intensive care and a number of specialties

Mission Statement

Fountain Valley Regional Hospital and Medical Center is a community hospital whose mission is to meet the health care needs of the population we serve with a constant striving for the highest quality care and service innovative and responsible use of resources and an abiding regard for our customers

Vision Statement

Our vision is to be the hospital of first choice for patients physicians and employees Our goal is to provide the best medical outcomes and foster an atmosphere of trust care and collegiality
Preventive medicines can help migraine sufferers

Many migraine sufferers could have fewer less severe headaches if they took preventive medicines but few eligible patients do say doctors releasing updated treatment guidelines Monday The guidelines list seven prescription medicines and one herbal remedy backed by strong evidence and include many other treatments that might work for some patient... Read More

Four days without a heartbeatbut patient fine before operation

CHENNAI It has been four days since the heart of a 56dayold man stopped beating Relatives took him to a city hospital but over 96 hours later and without his heart being revived his condition is stable as he waits for doctors to operate on him A small machine has taken over the functions of the patients heart and lungs The machine cleanses his ... Read More