Fort Defiance Indian Hlth Hosp


Name :

Fort Defiance Indian Hlth Hosp

Address  :

4067 E. Grant Rd
Suite 203

Town  :


State  :


Country  :


Post Code:


Phone  :

520 547 7904

Fax  :

520 547 7905

Web URL  :


Smitthipong amp Rosamond Associates Inc was established in 1998 offering a full range of Traditional Architectural Services In addition the firm offers extensive experience in predesign services of Strategic Planning Project Justification Documentation and Owners Representative Services for management of design and construction programs

The firm was established to provide specialty design services in the Healthcare Marketplace especially in underserved rural areas of the country With more than 75 combined years of experience in Healthcare design and construction serving private nonprofit and governmental agencies at all levels the firm offers tremendous insights into the challenges facing clients today That experience assures Clients of solutions that achieve their goals at all times while following the procurement protocols of each organization

Service Quality
Our dedication to Service Quality is reflected by the LongTerm Relations we have achieved with our Clients Through Strategic Planning Programming Design Bidding Negotiations Construction Administration and Warranty Review we are able to provide positive references from each of our Healthcare Clients over the past 20 years

The Principals of the firm Suthipan Smitty Smitthipong AIA ACHA and Vernon Rosamond AIA ACHA are responsible for more than 600000000 in Healthcare Facilities planning programming design and construction of Healthcare projects over the past 20 years That experience has been recognized by their status as Founding Members of the American College of Healthcare Architects ACHA
Trampolines give heart a jump start with Skyrobics

INDIANAPOLIS It may be a nobrainer that a trampoline center would pack in youngsters But the Sky Zone in Fishers Ind which features a separate space for quotSkyrobicsquot also attracts adults looking for a buoyant way to burn calories as many as 1000 an hour according to the website of the facility that opened in December quotIts great cardio ... Read More

How To Get A Good Nights Sleep

Do you remember when you were little and it seemed as though sleep overcame you as soon as your head hit your pillow And you slumbered through the night until morning time They call it the sleep of the innocent but dont you wish you could sleep like that again Adult responsibilities stress lifestyle and other worries often result in poor sleep h... Read More