First Care Health Center

Name :

First Care Health Center

Address  :

115 Vivian Street

Town  :

Park River

State  :

North Dakota

Country  :


Post Code:


Phone  :

701 284 7500

Fax  :

701 284 4576

Web URL  :


First Care Health Center has a rich history that has historical quotrootsquot in several countries

In Ireland in 1775 Nano Nagle founded a religious community the Sisters of the Presentation of the Blessed Virgin Mary This community was different from others of its time for instead of restricting the sisters to remain in the convent Nano set a new precedent by sending them out to seek the people in need Years later some of the Sisters of the Presentation of the Blessed Virgin Mary arrived in Fargo where they also looked for ways to help those in need

While the Sisters were looking at needs around them Dr Weed was looking at the need for a hospital in Park River In 1944 the Park River Hospital Association was formed to raise funds to build a hospital Six years later in July 1950 after being postponed by World War II construction began The facility was named St Ansgars Hospital In choosing the name of this littleknown Scandinavian saint an appeal for support was being made to the large numbers of Scandinavians who live in the area as well as support from the equally numerous Catholics In addition Dr Weed had approached the Sisters about providing management services for the facility So the Sisters whose Irish foundress encouraged them to seek people in need around the world now found themselves in Park River The first administrator was Sister M Bernadette Liston and on July 10 1952 St Ansgars Hospital opened its doors for patients

In the 1980s with healthcare rapidly changing St Ansgars affiliated with Catholic Health Corporation a nonprofit multiinstitutional organization in order to improve and strengthen the hospital In 1996 another change in affiliation occurred when St Ansgars became part of Catholic Health Initiatives On December 31 2000 Catholic Health Initiatives ended its affiliation with St Ansgars Health Center The facility now has a new name First Care Health Center

It took commitment and vision to plan and build a hospital in the 1950s That commitment and vision is still found at First Care Health Center Continuing the rich faithfilled tradition of the Sisters of the Presentation and continuing to provide quotProfessional Care with a Personal Touchquot is the mission of First Care Health Center Keeping pace with rapidly changing technology attracting and maintaining a highly trained professional staff and providing services to people at every stage of life are some of the challenges we face

Because we have the help and support of you our customers who feel we are a needed and vital part of the community First Care Health Center looks forward to the future with optimism and hope
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