Femino-Ducey-Queler Orthopaedic Group


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Femino-Ducey-Queler Orthopaedic Group

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5 S Franklin Ave, Suite 202

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New Jersey

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FeminoDuceyQueler Orthopaedic Group


Orthopedic Surgeons Specializing in Joint Replacement Sports Medicine and Foot and Ankle Surgery

For the past decade the FeminoDuceyQueler Orthopaedic Group has transformed the lives of thousands of patients suffering from serious orthopedic conditions Those formerly living with chronic pain have returned to an active lifestyle

Each physician in the FeminoDuceyQueler Orthopaedic Group is distinctively skilled in his area of expertise Patients from as far as Europe and Asia have sought out Dr Femino for hip and knee replacement surgery Local sports teams rely on the expertise of Dr Ducey to get them back on the playing field after injuries or other conditions sideline them Dr Quelers expertise treating the foot and ankle enables patients to become fully functional once again

Elimination of pain and restoring an independent lifestyle is the number one goal of the practice Many patients who come through our doors have lived with pain for a long period of time so finding the best way to alleviate pain becomes the focus

Surgery is considered after more conservative treatments have been exhausted We believe that preparation for surgery is key to a speedy recovery To that end the FeminoDuceyQueler staff strives to makes patients both comfortable and knowledgeable about their surgery a distinct advantage in the recuperation process

Patients are nurtured throughout their entire experience The FeminoDuceyQueler team will review your upcoming surgery with you prior to hospital admission You will also have the opportunity to speak with other patients who have had a similar surgery Any questions or anxiety about insurance coverage and payments are also addressed prior to any surgical procedure
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DALLAS April 12 2012 PRNewswireUSNewswire UT Southwestern Medical Center will name its new stateoftheart University Hospital now under construction to honor legendary Texas Gov William P Clements Jr in recognition of his 2009 gift of 100 million to the Southwestern Medical Foundation the largest single gift for the benefit of UT Southwestern in th... Read More

Can technology help overcome Australias healthcare challenges

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