Emanuel Medical Center

Name :

Emanuel Medical Center

Address  :

825 Delbon Avenue

Town  :


State  :


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Post Code:


Phone  :

209 667 4200

Web URL  :

  • Cardiology
  • Daibetes, Endocrinology
  • Gynaecology
  • Oncologist
  • Orthopedics
  • Paediatrics

Total Number Of Beds : 209



To Create a Healthier Community through

Operating on the foundation of Christian values
Focusing on health promotion and prevention of disease
Providing safe high quality and comprehensive health services for our patients and their families
Maintaining fiscal responsibility to allow for maintenance growth and development
Creating a collaborative partnership among community health resources


Since its founding in 1917 Emanuel Medical Center has been an organization that is defined and motivated by values Over the years these core beliefs have determined our character and behavior

Emanuels Core Values are outlined in the following six attributes

As an umbrella that covers and encompasses all our other core values we affirm that life is the sacred gift of God On behalf of life are Gods great works of Creation Providence and Redemption In a biblicallybased lifeaffirming ethic the following principles and virtues shape our character decisions and actions

Justice often translated as righteousness is a central biblical concept that means seeking and doing what is just and right in the eyes of God the Creator and Lord of all

We accept our responsibility and obligation to cultivate and manage our Godgiven resources in a way that enhances human life optimizing at the same time healing health and wholeness

Gods goal is to conform us to the image of His Son Jesus Romans 828 Integrity involves living our lives and conducting the mission of Emanuel Medical Center in a way that is patterned after the life of Christ Jesus as revealed in Holy Scriptures a lifestyle that brings glory to God

We are committed to work together with people who support common values and vision to achieve shared goals These people will include our customers our community our staff our suppliers and other providers both within and outside our community

Forming the foundation for our values excellence is the commitment to exceed expectations at every level of the organization through teamwork innovation and an obsession for quality We are entreated in scripture that whatever we do we are to do it with excellence and enthusiasm as unto the Lord
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Take the Sting Out of Shots

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