Elvis Presley Memorial Trauma Center

Name :

Elvis Presley Memorial Trauma Center

Address  :

877 Jefferson Street

Town  :


State  :


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Post Code:


Phone  :

901 545 8181

Web URL  :


There is a 23 bed dedicated trauma intensive care unit a 7 bed trauma stepdown unit and a 26 bed post trauma unit

The Trauma Centers Medical Director is Dr Martin Croce

With the original dedication of the Elvis Presley Memorial Trauma Center in 1983 fans from throughout the world have sought ways in which to participate in the mission of this Center of Excellence and to memorialize Elvis Presley For their efforts and those businesses who continue to support the work done at the EPMTC a quotWall of Honorquot was established by the MED Foundation in 1990 The wall today consists of nearly 300 plaques each of which is inscribed according to the wish of the donor along with a date

One need only to look at the names fan clubs and countries from which financial support has come to this Center It is truly a fitting tribute to the memory of Elvis and what he stood for that his many fans have made this Center of Excellence a priority for their charitable contributions


Established in 1983 and designated as a Level 1 Tennessee Trauma Center in 1985
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