Eaton Rapids Medical Center

Name :

Eaton Rapids Medical Center

Address  :

1500 South Main Street

Town  :

Eaton Rapids

State  :


Country  :


Post Code:


Phone  :

517 663 2671

Web URL  :

  • Anaesthesiology
  • Cardiology
  • ENT
  • Gastro-enterology
  • General Surgeon
  • Obestetrician/Gynecologist
  • Oncologist
  • Ophthalmology
  • Orthopedics
  • Paediatrics
  • Podiatry
  • Pulmonology
  • Urology

Total Number Of Beds : 483

Other Facilities

  • CT/MRI


About Eaton Rapids Medical Center
Exceptional health care delivered in a convenient personal environment are attributes that make Eaton Rapids Medical Center unique

Twenty licensed beds provide inpatients and surgical patients the privacy needed to recover while allowing our trained and experienced staff the privilege of delivering personal care and attention

Specialty Clinics are held daily which serve as a hub for 34 specialists who are experienced in 17 areas of care Physicians from Lansing and Jackson use our stateoftheart technology to provide an array of services including diagnostic testing treatment and rehabilitation A sleep lab nuclear medicine MRI and CT are among the many diagnostic tools available here in Eaton Rapids

The Emergency Department and Express Care are conveniently located at the front of the facility making every detail from parking through treatment easy for our patients In addition our highly qualified physicians nurses and paramedics are dedicated to serving the needs of our patients and community

In 2005 a 32 million expansion project was completed that expanded the Surgery Pharmacy and Materials Management departments The construction added approximately 7400 square feet off the southwest side of the Medical Center A new operating room was added and extensive renovations occurred in one of our existing operating rooms In addition a tenbed prep and recovery area was added so patients can remain in the same location rather than being transported between Surgery and the Inpatient wing for recovery

As part of the project the Pharmacy received additional space and the Materials Management department was moved and expanded to consolidate all supplies into one area of the facility A new freight elevator was also installed to accommodate heavy equipment supplies and laundry

We are affiliated with Ingham Regional Medical Center a 483 bed acute care hospital located in Lansing Michigan Ingham has strong programs in cardiology and cardiovascular surgery breast care and radiation oncology orthopedics women and childrens services pulmonary and sleep medicine wound care and medical rehabilitation Their participation in regional and national clinical trials in cardiology oncology and orthopedics brings additional options to area patients
McDonalds not a wise choice for hospitals

Hospitals are places where wellness and health are supposed to be beneficial to promote a longer and healthier life When you walk into a hospital you expect to see healthy places to eat and if not that then a cafeteria with low sodium foods If you put hospitals and fast food restaurants together it is kind of a contradiction promoting health yet... Read More

Do hospitals alone provide genuine healthcare

Baba Ramdevs trusts selling Ayurvedic medicines in India and abroad are now in the eye of a storm The IncomeTax Department has slapped them with a tax bill of Rs 58 crore for the assessment year 200910 on the ground that these activities are commercial in nature Most noncorporate hospitals outside the government sector are constituted as public ... Read More