Eastern Regional Medical Center


Name :

Eastern Regional Medical Center

Address  :

1331 East Wyoming Avenue

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Phone  :

800 524 4632

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About Cancer Treatment Centers of America
This is the question the experts at Cancer Treatment Centers of America CTCA ask themselves every day This question is what motivates us to continually research and employ innovative new techniques and therapies to fight cancer on all fronts

We call this quest the Mother Standardreg of care It means our entire focus is driven by the advanced wholeperson treatment options and the kind of care we would want for our own family members Here doctors care for you like family Our Mother Standardreg of care is the essence of CTCA

For almost 30 years CTCA has been on the leading edge of cancer treatment with this personalized wholeperson care model With cancer hospitals in suburban Chicago Philadelphia Tulsa and suburban Phoenix CTCA continues to expand its accessibility to patients Our cancer experts provide a full range of treatment optionsincluding options for advanced stage cancers and complex casesall under one roof

At CTCA we understand that cancer doesnt just affect one part of the body It affects all of you and everything in your life Here you will receive a personalized treatment plan which includes a powerful combination of advanced conventional treatments combined with supportive complementary medicine therapies This wholeperson approach helps you fight cancer while you enjoy a good quality of life

Our doctors believe in your fundamental right to be informed about and to choose among the best available options for your cancer treatment Using our Patient Empowerment MedicineSM model your multidisciplinary care team will empower you to actively and meaningfully participate in your cancer care Rather than telling you what you need your doctors at CTCA will listen to you and provide clear welldefined choices

Furthermore we strive to make your visit to a CTCA hospital as convenient and stressfree as possible Our representatives will handle all of the details for you including your transportation and lodging arrangements While here our cancer hospitals offer a positive hopeful environment for you and your loved ones so you can relax and focus on healing

With the Mother Standardreg of care as a guide CTCA cancer experts never stop searching for options to help you fight cancer on all fronts


Easterns History
Cancer Treatment Centers of America CTCA was founded in 1988 by Richard J Stephenson in honor of his mother who lost her battle with cancer in 1982 Stephenson embarked on a mission to change the face of cancer care

Stephenson was challenged to create a better experience for cancer patients one which empowers them with options and hope His commitment to the Mother Standardreg of care became the organizations guiding principle

By implementing the Mother Standardreg of care CTCA cancer doctors care for patients like family In doing so our clinicians take a multidisciplinary individualized approach to cancer treatment

CTCA at Eastern Regional Medical Center Eastern became the third cancer hospital to implement this unique model of care The 200025squarefoot facility formally opened its doors on December 19 2005

Since opening Eastern has attracted patients from hundreds of miles away Today the Philadelphia facility has established CTCA as a premier center of hope and healing in the Northeast

Mission amp Promise
CTCA is the home of integrative and compassionate cancer care

We never stop searching for and providing powerful and innovative therapies to heal the whole person improve quality of life and restore hope


You and your healing are at the center of our hearts minds and actions every day

We rally our team around you delivering compassionate integrative cancer care for your body mind and spirit

We offer clear information powerful and thorough treatment options all based on your needs

We honor your courage respect your decisions and offer to share your journey of healing and hope

NC Womens Hospital is identified as BabyFriendly

The North Carolina Womens Hospital has received international recognition after being named a BabyFriendly birth facility BabyFriendly USA Inc is the US authority for the global program BabyFriendly Hospital Initiative UNICEF and the World Health Organization sponsor BFHI which recognizes hospitals and birthing centers that meet criteria for ... Read More

Write all prescriptions in capital letters Mumbai citizens tell doctors

MUMBAI It turns out that all those jokes about doctors scrawl are not funny at all Doctors illegible handwriting causes 7000 deaths in the US every year and another 15 million Americans report minor adverse reactionsbe it diarrhoea or rashesor even death Now a movement has begun in Mumbai asking the medical fraternity to write prescriptions i... Read More