Drug and Alcohol Registry of Treatment (DART)

Name :

Drug and Alcohol Registry of Treatment (DART)

Address  :

232 Central Avenue

Town  :


State  :


Country  :


Post Code:

N6A 1M8

Phone  :

800 565 8603

Web URL  :


The Drug and Alcohol Registry of Treatment DART is a program of ConnexOntario Health Services Information ConnexOntario is governed by a diverse communitybased Board of Directors The Board is comprised primarily of Directors representing addiction and mental health organizations addiction and mental health umbrella groups and mental health and addictionrelated organizations from across the province The Board of Directors also includes representatives from the gaming sector

We exist to
Improve access to addiction gambling and mental health services for the people of Ontario by providing quality service system information and
To support the development of an efficient accountable system by providing planning information to system managers

In the addiction gambling and mental health systems we are the benchmark of 247 access to quality information through professional staff and stateoftheart technology

We believe in the power of information to effect change

We believe assistance should be available to those people with addictions gambling and mental health concerns who need help accessing the system


Respect We will treat people with dignity and respect

Responsiveness We will understand and respond to the needs of the
individuals and organizations we serve

Staff We value the commitment expertise and creative thinking of our staff
We will provide our staff with opportunities for growth and professional

Stewardship We will be responsible and accountable in our stewardship and in
the management of our resources

Accountability We believe that quality timely information is important to
the accountability of the system

Innovation We will be creative and innovative in our service delivery

Commitment to Quality We believe in quality at all levels of service
delivery management and governance

Collaboration We will collaborate with our stakeholders to achieve our
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Weight loss pills are no good

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