Dorn Veterans Medical Center

Name :

Dorn Veterans Medical Center

Address  :

6439 Garners Ferry Road

Town  :


State  :

South Carolina

Country  :


Post Code:

29209 1639

Phone  :

803 776 4000

Fax  :

803 695 6739

Web URL  :


About Us
The Wm Jennings Bryan Dorn VA Medical Center is a 216bed facility encompassing acute medical surgical psychiatric and longterm care The hospital provides primary secondary and some tertiary care In 2009 the medical center served 65730 patients There were 707533 outpatient visits and a total of 5518 inpatient treated in fiscal year 2009
Hospitals Are Allowed to Not Hire Fat People

Smokers must step outside to puff Mandatory drug screening eliminates users from employment whether theyre high on the job or not Now the Texas Tribune reports that Citizens Medical Center in Victoria Texas is adding another health issue to the list of workplace nonos obesity If your body mass index BMI is over 35 you cant get a job at Citizens... Read More

Tips to keep kids safe at home

Every day in New Zealand an average of 22 children are admitted to hospital because of unintentional injuries or accidents For young children birth to 4 years old most of these injuries happen at home Media stories have reported on recent home injuries with serious and fatal consequences fires caused by kids playing with matches and lighters poi... Read More