Dequincy Memorial Hospital


Name :

Dequincy Memorial Hospital

Address  :

110 West Fourth Street
PO Box 1166

Town  :


State  :


Country  :


Post Code:


Phone  :

337 786 1200

Fax  :

337 786 1219

Web URL  :

  • Cardiothoracic Surgeon
  • Internal Medicine
  • Vascular Surgeon

Total Number Of Beds : 19

Other Facilities

  • X-Ray


Since 1981 DeQuincy Memorial Hospital DQMH has made quality healthcare more convenient for patients throughout North Calcasieu Parish and surrounding areas Today we continue to take pride in our commitment to you bringing the latest medical advances closer to home

Along with 5 staff physicians our 19bed Critical Access Hospital offers an extensive range of inpatient outpatient and emergency services for patients of all ages Critical Access simply means that the hospital is critical in providing healthcare to our community While comparable in scope of services to much larger facilities DQMHs smaller size allows the physicians and staff to provide personalized quality medical services

The physicians and hospital staff share a mission and a vision To provide quality health care and to be the communitys FIRST CHOICE for health care We want our patients and their families to feel confident in the staffs ability to provide professional care while assuring that their rights as individuals are respected From the 24hour emergency room to the stateof theart laboratory pharmacy and radiology department the hospital delivers emergency and routine medical care by highly trained physicians nurses and allied health professionals using the latest cutting edge technology
NC Womens Hospital is identified as BabyFriendly

The North Carolina Womens Hospital has received international recognition after being named a BabyFriendly birth facility BabyFriendly USA Inc is the US authority for the global program BabyFriendly Hospital Initiative UNICEF and the World Health Organization sponsor BFHI which recognizes hospitals and birthing centers that meet criteria for ... Read More

An early diagnosis helps families plan for the future

To help families with the assessment the Alzheimer Society has also produced a new brochure titled Getting A Diagnosis Finding Out If It Is Alzheimer Disease This brochure prepares families for the doctor appointment what to expect questions to ask and information to bring along A diagnosis can be made in a family doctors office a memory clinic ... Read More