Del Amo Hospital


Name :

Del Amo Hospital

Address  :

23700 Camino Del Sol

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Phone  :

310 530 1151

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Del Amo is a private behavioral health hospital located in Torrance California Del Amo has distinguished itself through a wide range of programs that are individually tailored to each clients individual needs

Del Amos commitment to service excellence extends to all with whom we come into contact We are committed to ensure our patients receive the optimal level of care that will be most beneficial to their recovery Through the capabilities of our professional team continuously improving our systems and processes we strive to be the premiere provider of mental health services

Del Amo Behavioral Health is accredited by the Joint Commission and is licensed by the State of California Department of Health Services Del Amo Behavioral Health is owned managed and operated by a subsidiary of Universal Health Services Inc one of the largest providers of highquality healthcare in the nation
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