Dallas VA Medical Center


Name :

Dallas VA Medical Center

Address  :

4500 South Lancaster Road

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Phone  :

214 742 8387

Fax  :

214 857 1171

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Dallas VA Medical Center VAMC the referral center for VA North Texas Health Care System VANTHCS has cared for Americas military veterans for over half a century Through its longstanding partnership with The University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center at Dallas UT Southwestern it has become a major teaching and medical research center Dallas VAMC is an 84acre campus providing multispecialty outpatient clinics as well as

289bed acute care medical center

90bed Transitional Care Unit

40bed Domiciliary care unit

30bed Spinal Cord Injury Center

39Bed Telemetry Unit

56bed Psychiatric Residential Rehabilitation
Treatment Program

In FY 06 Dallas VAMC handled approximately 13165 admissions and 703405 outpatient visits and is a tertiary care facility classified as a Clinical Referral Level 3 Facility It is a teaching hospital providing a full range of patient care services with stateoftheart technology as well as education and research Comprehensive health care is provided through primary care secondary care and tertiary care in medicine surgery mental health and rehabilitation medicine Innovative clinical services include cardiac surgery geriatric care magnetic resonance imaging women veteran services interventional chronic pain procedures EP procedures and care for posttraumatic stress disorder PTSD as well as Spinal Cord Injury Center The facility has four ICUs 13 operating rooms two linear accelerators and two MRIs A state of the art cardiac catheterization lab opened February 2006

The One VA Mall offers onestop shopping to our customers including Veterans Canteen Service Retail Store Blue Bell Ice Cream and Starbucks Coffee service Cafeacute VA and One VA kiosk are also available The One VA Mall provides service centers for Veterans Benefits Administration National Cemetery Administration Texas Veterans Commission Disabled American Veterans and Vietnam Veterans of America

Also on campus is the Energy Center and VA Community Center which includes conference facilities a Wellness Center and Child Care Center

Dallas VAMC was also selected as a site for a Fisher House a twostory 21suite home away from home for families of hospitalized veterans Groundbreaking is projected Spring 2007

Construction of a Geropsych Unit will begin in FY 07 to meet the unique psychiatric and medical needs of seniors

Dallas VAMC has approximately 3300 employees and over 800 volunteers serve in many capacities throughout the facility

Innovative clinical services include adult day health care Agent Orange evaluation Persian Gulf evaluation women veteran services cardiac surgery geriatric care magnetic resonance imaging hemodialysis rehabilitation medicine and care for posttraumatic stress disorder

Through its strategic partnership with UT Southwestern and Baylor College of Dentistry Dallas VAMC helped train more than 740 medical residents and eight dental residents in FY 06 VANTHCS has affiliation agreements with over 100 agencies and institutions providing training to approximately 2000 students

In 2002 Texas Tech University Health Sciences Center relocated its regional DallasFort Worth Metroplex School of Pharmacy to Dallas VAMC The first of its kind in the nation this affiliation provides a stateoftheart classroom group conference rooms and faculty offices for students in pursuit of a PharmD degree A postgraduate program offers specialized training for Pharmacy residents Staff physicians and service chiefs also serve as faculty members at UT Southwestern VANTHCS participates in VAsponsored nationwide cooperative studies and receives grants from a variety of sources including VA National Institutes of Health and industry sources totaling over 75 million

The Research and Development program supports 85 investigators and 315 active projects in such diverse fields as heart disease hypertension diabetes AIDS and Alzheimers Disease and PTSD VANTHCS investigators have received recognition for their research endeavors including one named to the National Academy of Science and four have received the prestigious Middleton Award VAs highest award for scientific research

The Dallas VA Research Corporation was created in 1989 as a private nonprofit foundation to support the research mission of VANTHCS

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