Crawford County Memorial Hospital

Name :

Crawford County Memorial Hospital

Address  :

2020 First Avenue South

Town  :


State  :


Country  :


Post Code:


Phone  :

712 263 5021

Fax  :

712 263 1711

Web URL  :

  • Family Practice
  • General Surgeon

Total Number Of Beds : 25


About Crawford County Memorial Hospital
Crawford County Memorial Hospital is a 25bed critical access hospital located in Denison Iowa Opened to the public in 1951 CCMH has undergone many transformations during the last six decades The biggest transformation to date is currently in process as the hospital broke ground in late 2009 on construction of a beautiful stateoftheart replacement facility

The hospital offers a wide range of inpatient outpatient and diagnostic services and has two hospital provider based clinics Family Medicine Associates is a providerbased rural health clinic that features seven family practice medical providers Surgical Consultants of Crawford County Memorial Hospital is a providerbased surgical clinic with two general surgeons on staff

Overall the hospital has 209 dedicated employees With a total payroll of almost 10 million annually Crawford County Memorial Hospital provides a significant economic impact on our areas local economy

The mission of Crawford County Memorial Hospital is to provide efficient and effective health care services to all persons within Crawford County and the surrounding area These services are available to persons who suffer from acute or chronic diseases traumatic injuries or who are in need of education andor training in order to maintain a positive lifestyle

Crawford County Memorial Hospital will demonstrate our concern for the human body mind and spirit in a caring atmosphere We will foster a progressive Medical Staff encourage our personnel to maximize their capabilities and promote volunteer efforts to enhance our mission

To fulfill our mission we will cooperate with other health care organizations and agencies where appropriate
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An early diagnosis helps families plan for the future

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