Countess Mountbatten House


Name :

Countess Mountbatten House

Address  :

Botley Road
West End

Town  :


State  :


Country  :


Post Code:

SO30 3JB

Phone  :

023 8047 7414

Fax  :

023 8047 3501

Web URL  :


The service comprises of 4 key areas a 25 bed inpatient unit a day care centre and a community team of doctors and nurses all based at Countess Mountbatten House in West End Southampton and a hospital palliative care team based within Southampton General Hospital Providing vital support to these key service areas are physiotherapists occupational therapists social workers chaplains housekeeping staff and over 180 volunteers all working together to ensure the best possible care is provided to patients and their families and carers

Supporting the work of the hospice staff is the Countess Mountbatten Hospice Charity The aim of the charity is to provide funding that is over and above that provided by the NHS enabling the services offered to be enhanced all with the aim of providing additional care and improving patients quality of life
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