Cottage Hospital

Name :

Cottage Hospital

Address  :

PO Box 2001
Swiftwater Road

Town  :


State  :

New Hampshire

Country  :


Post Code:


Phone  :

603 747 9000

Web URL  :

  • Neurologist
  • Oncologist
  • Orthopedics
  • Pain Management
  • Urology

Total Number Of Beds : 25

Other Facilities

  • X-Ray
  • Physical Therapy

Advance Facility

  • Blood Bank


About Cottage Hospital
Cottage Hospital is 25bed critical access hospital located in Woodsville NH serving the beautiful Upper Connecticut River Valley The Cottage family has just over 250 employees 37 active medical staff providers and 35 volunteers

Cottage Hospital has recently undergone a multimillion dollar renovation which was designed to bring clinical services together for easier patient access Areas revamped to become more patientfriendly include Diagnostic Imaging Laboratory Day Surgery and The Pain Clinic

Cottages IT department has been working to strengthen networking to accommodate cutting edge technology including soontobe implemented TelePsych bringing specialty physicians to patients bedsides In Radiology reporting is faster with the addition of Voice Recognition technology Reports previously generated in two days by onsite Radiologists are now completed on average in less than 5 minutes In the Emergency Department a computer system called MEDHOST allows nurses and physicians to place orders and chart at the patients bedside For patients who have been admitted a new medication dispensing system EMAR designed for patient safety and to prevent medication errors has been implemented

So whats next for Cottage Hospital More patient focused care initiatives including transparency quality care measures improving patient stays and patient outcomes and of course continued collaboration among staff and a dedication to provide quality careclose to home for our friends neighbors and visitors

Mission Statement
To provide caring compassionate quality healthcare to the residents of our
service area

To deliver appropriate primary care transitional longterm care and support
functions such as health education and community outreach services

To improve the health status of the population we serve through leadership
and through collaboration with other healthcare organizations that serve our

To be a responsible financially viable and productive member of our

Vision Statement
Be proactive in influencing and adapting to the changes in the direction and
focus of healthcare as it continues to evolve

Be dedicated to meeting the new and growing needs of our communities

Create Cottage Hospital as a healthcare facility without walls involved
with the North Country regional network of providers to effectively meet the
full scope of the regions healthcare needs

Continue Cottage Hospitals focus on primary care taking more of our
programs of care out into the community

Continue focusing on outpatient care concentrating on education and working
to keep people healthy knowledgeable and involved in their healthcare

Build stronger relationships with home health agencies and other
organizations to help provide community healthcare to residents of our
service area

Remain a good corporate citizen and leader in promoting the local economy

Values Statement
Compassionate Care
We are committed to providing compassionate care and support to children and adults throughout their acute hospital care and transitional SNFICF care regardless of race religion ethnicity or lifestyle

We set and adhere to the highest standards possible for all that we do and recognize that attracting and retaining superior staff at every level of the hospital is vital to our success

We maintain the highest levels of personal and professional conduct

We endeavor to treat patients their families and colleagues as we ourselves would wish to be treated

We value new ideas recognizing that innovation and change are the keys to ensuring that the care we offer today is always better than yesterdays

We believe that collaboration among individuals departments and institutions benefits those we serve by fostering efficiency professional and institutional growth and creative thinking

We accept responsibility individually and collectively for the outcome of all our efforts on behalf of patients their families our colleagues and the public

Fiscal Accountability
We strive to operate efficiently and costeffectively without compromising the quality of care we offer


Cottage History
1903 Cottage Hospital began operation in what was known as the Cobleigh Tavern built in 1795 at todays junction of Routes 10 and 135 in Woodsville New Hampshire

1960 The new hospital on Swiftwater Road was dedicated It housed 32 beds and more advanced ancillary facilities

1970 A capital campaign raised 350000 to build the Emergency department and patient room wing

1985 The community once again responded to the hospitals needs by making possible the Currier Wing with two stateoftheart operating rooms special care unit recovery room and central sterile supply rooms Building funds in excess of 675000 were raised

1991 A 300000 capital campaign helped expand the radiology department

1992 Cottage Hospital began another period of growth welcoming many new physicians and services Construction of the hospitals medical office building was completed this year providing four private suites for doctors offices

1997 The hospital completed construction of the Muffin Lyons Memorial Outpatient Center a renovationaddition project in memory of Dr Laurel Lyons Muffin as she preferred to be called was a wellknown and muchloved physician who cared for many in the community for 17 years

This 800000 construction project was made possible by more than 1000 donors which included former patients hospital employees medical staff family and friends The project expanded the emergency department walkin clinic and provided much needed outpatient space for our patients

2000 The Cottage Hospital Rehabilitation Center opened in March 2000 This new section of the building houses the hospitals Physical and Occupational Therapy departments as well as Orthopedic Services

2007 Cottage Hospital just completed its latest expansion project With the completion of the new office building and the beginning of internal renovations we are making way for expansion of several clinical areas within the hospital including Day Surgery Radiology Laboratory and our innovative Pain Clinic
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