Cleveland Clinic Florida

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Cleveland Clinic Florida

Address  :

2950 Cleveland Clinic Blvd

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Phone  :

954 659 5000

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Doctors Of Cleveland Clinic Florida
Asfa Akhtar
Asfa Akhtar
* Education *
* Medical School
Nova Southeastern University College of Osteopathic Medicine, North Miami Beach, FL

* Internship
Nova Southeastern University/Palmetto General Hospital, Transitional Year, Hialeah, FL

* Residency
Nova Southea
Fernando Castro
Fernando Castro
* Education *
* Medical School
University of Puerto Rico School of Medicine, San Juan, Puerto Rico

* Internship
University of Puerto Rico Affiliated Hospitals, Internal Medicine, San Juan, Puerto Rico

* Residency
University of Puerto Rico A
Frank Eidelman
Frank Eidelman
** Education **
* Medical School
McGill University, Montreal, Quebec, Canada
* Internship *
Royal Victoria Hospital, Internal Medicine, Montreal, Quebec, Canada

* Residency *
Royal Victoria Hospital, Internal Medicine, Montreal, Quebec, Canad
Ira Abels
Ira Abels
* Education *
* Medical School *
University of Maryland School of Medicine, Baltimore, MD

* Internship *
University of South Florida College of Medicine, Internal Medicine, Tampa, FL

* Residency *
University of Miami Miller School of Medici
Mark Grove
Mark Grove
* Education *
* Medical School
MCP Hahnemann University School of Medicine, Philadelphia, PA

* Internship
Cleveland Clinic, General Surgery, Cleveland, OH

* Residency
Cleveland Clinic, General Surgery, Cleveland, OH

* Other Education
Nestor Galvez-Jimenez
Nestor Galvez-Jimenez
* Education *
* Medical School
Universidad de San Carlos de Guatemala, Guatemala, Guatemala

* Internship
Albert Einstein College of Medicine, Internal Medicine, New York, NY

* Residency
Albert Einstein College of Medicine, Internal Medicin
Richard Adamick
Richard Adamick
* Education *
* Medical School
University of Illinois College of Medicine, Chicago, IL

* Internship
Stanford University Medical Center, Internal Medicine, CA

* Residency
Stanford University Medical Center, Internal Medicine, CA
UT Southwesterns New University Hospital Will Be Named to Honor Former Gov William P Clements Jr

DALLAS April 12 2012 PRNewswireUSNewswire UT Southwestern Medical Center will name its new stateoftheart University Hospital now under construction to honor legendary Texas Gov William P Clements Jr in recognition of his 2009 gift of 100 million to the Southwestern Medical Foundation the largest single gift for the benefit of UT Southwestern in th... Read More

Better to transplant smokers lungs than staying on wait list UK study finds

Transplant patients who need new lungs have a better overall chance of survival if they receive donor lungs from smokers than if they remain on wait lists new British research shows The study provides strong evidence there is a net benefit to patients receiving smokers lungs even though recipients of such organs are less likely to live as long... Read More