CHRISTUS St. Vincent Regional Medical Center

Name :

CHRISTUS St. Vincent Regional Medical Center

Address  :

455 St Michael's Drive

Town  :

Santa Fe

State  :

New Mexico

Country  :


Post Code:


Phone  :

505 983 3361

Fax  :

505 983 2222

Web URL  :

  • Anaesthesiology
  • Cardiology
  • Neuro Surgeon
  • Orthopedics

Total Number Of Beds : 268


Our healing ministry is to improve lives by providing excellent compassionate health care to the patients and families we serve

Exceptional Medicine Extraordinary Care Every Person Every Day

We are committed to the responsible management of our finances and reputation and to effective use of any community resources available

People put their trust in us and our actions continuously earn that trust because they are both ethical and safe

We will have a nurturing and respectful approach to patients families physicians and fellow employees

We will add value to everything we do

We are dedicated to accessible care and will collaborate with the community to offer it

We will be transparent in our use of resources to benefit the community

The patient and family are our partners in their medical treatment


CHRISTUS St Vincent Regional Medical Center is a communitybased private notforprofit hospital serving more than 300000 people in seven counties in northern New Mexico CHRISTUS St Vincent was founded in 1865 by the Sisters of Charity and is New Mexicos first hospital and the largest private employer in Santa Fe In April 2008 CHRISTUS Health and St Vincent finalized the formation of a partnership that allowed St Vincent to benefit from the resources of the international 40hospital system CHRISTUS St Vincent is designated as a sole community provider by the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services and accredited by the Joint Commission on Accreditation of Healthcare Organizations
Menthol cigarettes may increase stroke risk study says

WASHINGTON DC WUSA Menthol cigarette smokers are more likely to have a history of stroke than smokers who prefer other types of cigarettes according to a new study published in the April 9 issue of Archives of Internal Medicine Researchers found that menthol cigarette smokers were more than twice as likely to have a stroke than nonmenthol smoke... Read More

The Oppressed Women

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