Charité Campus Virchow-Klinikum (CVK)

Name :

Charité Campus Virchow-Klinikum (CVK)

Address  :

Augustenburger Platz 1

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Phone  :

49 30 450 50

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On Rudolf Virchowacutes initiative a fourth municipal hospital was erected in northern Berlin in the district Wedding between 1898 and 1906 The Rudolf Virchow Hospital was the last to be built in the socalled pavilion style The building costs reached 191 million imperial marks Fiftyseven individual buildings with 2000 beds were distributed over an area of 270000 m2 It was possible for 700 physicians nurses and other employees to live on the grounds

Behind the threestory main building on the Augustenburger Square the main 500meterlong green axis with a chestnutlined street stretched to the west The pavilions were located along the street one side for surgical patients the other for patients with internal problems Benches lawns flower beds and a fountain gave the grounds a parklike feeling

When the hospital was rebuilt after World War II the pavilion structure disappeared almost completely In 1986 the hospital located in WestBerlin was placed under the Free University The institution called the quotRudolf Virchow University Clinicquot since 1987 switched in 1995 to the Humboldt University

In 199798 it was fused with the historical Chariteacute and the Robert Roumlssle and Franz Volhard clinics in Buch to become the quotChariteacute Medical Faculty of the Humboldt University of Berlinquot
Recycled Kidney Successfully Implanted into 2nd Recipient after First Failed Transplant

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People With Alzheimers Disease and Related Dementias Speak Out

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