Central California Women\'s Facility


Name :

Central California Women\'s Facility

Address  :

23370 Road 22
P. O. Box 1508

Town  :


State  :


Country  :


Post Code:


Phone  :

559 665 5531

Web URL  :

Not Available


The Central California Womens Facility is one of two female correctional facilities located in Chowchilla California CCWF provides inmate academic education work and vocational training counseling and specialized programs for the purpose of successful reintegration into society It provides community service which encourages public awareness and participation

The facilitys specialized mental health and medical services are commensurate with community standards providing a licensed medical environment while encouraging personal responsibility

The institution also provides staff resources and training which ensures the highest standards of quotCorrectional Professionalismquot

Central California Womens Facility was opened in October 1990 and covers 640 acres As of Fiscal Year 20082009 the following statistics apply

Number of custody staff631
Number of support services staff577
Total number of staff1208

Annual operating budget153 million

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