Cedars-Sinai Medical Center

Name :

Cedars-Sinai Medical Center

Address  :

8700 Beverly Blvd

Town  :

Los Angeles

State  :


Country  :


Post Code:


Phone  :

310 423 3277

Web URL  :

  • Anaesthesiology
  • Daibetes, Endocrinology
  • Dentistry
  • Dermatology
  • Family Practice
  • General Surgeon
  • Gynaecology
  • Neuro Surgeon
  • Neurologist
  • Obestetrician/Gynecologist
  • Oncologist
  • Ophthalmology
  • Orthopedics
  • Otolaryngologist
  • Paediatrics
  • Pathology Lab
  • Plastic Surgery
  • Podiatry
  • Urology
  • Vascular Surgeon


About Us
CedarsSinai is known for providing the highest quality patient care that modern medicine has to offerOur dedication to excellence compassion and innovation is rooted in the Judaic tradition and its devotion to the art and science of healing which informs every aspect of our fourfold mission

Leadership and excellence in delivering quality healthcare services

Expanding the horizons of medical knowledge through biomedical research

Educating and training physicians and other healthcare professionals

Striving to improve the health status of our community

Our Mission
CedarsSinai Health System a nonprofit independent healthcare organization is committed to

Leadership and excellence in delivering quality healthcare services

Expanding the horizons of medical knowledge through biomedical research

Educating and training physicians and other healthcare professionals

Striving to improve the health status of our community

Quality patient care is our priority Providing excellent clinical and service quality offering compassionate care and supporting research and medical education are essential to our mission This mission is founded in the ethical and cultural precepts of the Judaic tradition which inspires devotion to the art and science of healing and to the care we give to our patients and staff

Our Vision
CedarsSinai Health System will enhance its position as the leading healthcare provider in the Los Angeles area and rank highly among the nations most respected admired and trusted healthcare organizations In fulfilling this role CedarsSinai will

Attract and enhance relationships with the most wellqualified accomplished
and respected physicians scientists nurses other healthcare professionals
and staff

Demonstrate excellent clinical quality service quality and value

Foster a culture of superb clinical and operational performance as well as
responsive and compassionate care

Provide distinguished programs and services of excellence that build upon a
tradition of clinical innovation biomedical research medical education and
community service

Remain at the forefront of advances in medicine and science through a strong
ongoing commitment to biomedical research and medical education

Provide superior capabilities facilities and technology for the full
continuum of healthcare services

Attract patients from regional national and international markets by
providing services directly as well as through arrangements with other
healthcare organizations that meet CedarsSinai Health Systems standards of
quality and service

Our Values
In the pursuit of this Vision the actions of leadership staff and other physicians will be guided by the following values



Teamwork and Collaboration







Jewish community concern about meeting the health needs of a growing
Los Angeles community surfaced when Kaspare Cohn Hospital predecessor
of Cedars of Lebanon was dedicated Sept 21 1902 on the East side of
Los Angeles to provide care to those in need In 1910 the hospital was
moved to a 50bed facility on Whittier Boulevard and in 1930 moved to
Fountain Avenue where it opened as Cedars of Lebanon Hospital

Meanwhile the Bikur Cholim Society opened a tworoom
hospice in 1918 which was the predecessor of the Mount Sinai
Home for the Incurables In 1921 the hospice became Bikur
Cholim Hospital when it moved to a Boyle Heights home with
eight beds The Bikur Cholim Hospital became the Mount
Sinai Home for the Incurables in 1923 and in 1926 a new and
larger Mount Sinai was built on Bonnie Beach Place In 1950
Emma and Hyman Levine purchased threeandonehalf acres
of land and donated the property to Mount Sinai Hospital
under the auspices of their foundation In 1955 the new
Mount Sinai Hospital opened on Beverly Boulevard future site
of CedarsSinai Medical Center

In 1961 the Los Angeles Jewish Medical Center known
today as CedarsSinai Medical Center came into being
Then followed a decade of planning and preparation and in
1971 the first phase of construction of the Medical Center
complex began with the groundbreaking for the Thalians
Mental Health Center

A 4 million gift from the Max Factor Family Foundation in
1972 provided the seed money to begin construction on the
new CedarsSinai Medical Center facility Groundbreaking
ceremonies for the 16 millionsquare foot 1120bed Medical
Center were held on Nov 5 1972 The first patients were
moved into CedarsSinai Medical Center on April 3 1976
Full occupancy of all patient floors outpatient clinics and
emergency service was completed by midsummer 1976

1902 Sept 21 Kaspare Cohn Hospital Cedars of Lebanons predecessor opens
on the east side of Los Angeles

1910 Kaspare Cohn Hospital relocates to a 50bed facility on Whittier Boulevard

1918 Bikur Cholim Society opens a tworoom hospice predecessor of the
Mount Sinai Home for the Incurables

1921 Bikur Cholim Hospice becomes Bikur Cholim Hospital when it moves to a Boyle Heights home with eight beds to treat needy patients during a serious
influenza epidemic

1923 Bikur Cholim Hospital becomes Mount Sinai Home for the Incurables
predecessor of Mount Sinai Hospital

1926 A new and larger Mount Sinai is built on Bonnie Beach Place

1930 Cedars of Lebanon Hospital opens in its new building on Fountain Avenue in Hollywood

1941 Breed Street Outpatient Clinic of Mount Sinai opens

1954 Dedication of Emil Brown Auditorium later known as the Brown Building on the grounds of the new Mount Sinai Hospital

1955 The new Mount Sinai Hospital opens on Beverly Boulevard future site of CedarsSinai Medical Center

1961 Following years of study the decision is made to merge Cedars of ebanon
and Mount Sinai hospitals under the name of CedarsSinai Medical Center

1963 Nov 17 dedication of the Louis M and Birdie Halper Research and Clinic Building of Mount Sinai Hospital

1971 Oct 3 groundbreaking ceremony is held for The Thalians Community Mental
Health Center In subsequent years the word Community is dropped from the
name This begins the first phase of construction for the CedarsSinai Medical
Center complex

1972 Nov 5 groundbreaking ceremony is held for construction of the 16 millionsquarefoot 1120bed CedarsSinai Medical Center

1973 June 24 dedication is held for the 96000squarefoot Thalians Building which will provide a complete program of psychiatric services to some
750000 WestCentral Los Angeles residents

1974 March 27 Topping Out ceremony is held for CedarsSinai Medical Center

1976 April 3 the first patients are transferred to CedarsSinai Medical Center opening the third floor for Obstetrics amp Gynecology and the fourth floor north patient tower for Pediatrics

1976 June 6 dedication ceremony is held for the new CedarsSinai Medical Center

1976 Mount Sinai structure is closed for renovations and reopened as the
Lillian and Meyer Schuman Building

1977 Donor art installations begin at CedarsSinai Medical Center

1978 Chapel and kosher kitchen open at CedarsSinai Medical Center

1981 Nov 1 groundbreaking ceremony is held for construction of the Harvey S Morse Conference Center

1983 Jan 23 ribboncutting ceremony is held for the Harvey S Morse Conference Center

1984 May 30 dedication of the helipad signals CedarsSinai Medical Center as a Los Angeles County Level 1 Trauma Center

1986 April 10 Hamel Road which runs through the CedarsSinai Medical Center
complex is renamed and dedicated George Burns Road

1987 April 28 groundbreaking ceremony is held for the Fashion Industries
Guild Florence and Duke Becker Buildin

1988 April 14 The Feintech Family Holocaust Memorial North of Yesterday water sculpture is dedicated

1988 Dec 20 groundbreaking ceremony is held for construction of the
Barbara and Marvin Davis Research Building on the CedarsSinai Medical
Center campus

1990 April 22 the San Vicente medical facility is dedicated as the Mark Goodson Building

1990 June 21 the Administrative Services Building is dedicated as the Steven Spielberg Pediatrics Research Center

1992 Sept 13 dedication ceremony is held for the Barbara and Marvin Davis
Research Building

1994 Jan 17 Northridge earthquake causes extensive damage to the
Halper and Schuman buildings and an employee parking lot 1994 CedarsSinai Medical Center begins restructuring to remain at the forefront of quality
patient care biomedical research and medical education and community service in the new managed care environment

1994 Dec 13 CedarsSinai Medical Center becomes CedarsSinai Health
System which is comprised of the CedarsSinai Medical Care Foundation PhysicianHospital Organization and CedarsSinai Medical Center

1995 Jan 19 Alden Drive which runs through the Medical Center is
dedicated as Gracie Allen Drive

1995 May 2 groundbreaking ceremony is held for expansion and renovation
of the CedarsSinai Medical Center Department of Emergency Medicine

1995 Sept 18 the new Imaging Outpatient Center opens at CedarsSinai Medical Center

1996 Aug 20 Phase I Acute Care completion of the Ruth and Harry
Roman Emergency Department expansion and renovation is dedicated

1997 Oct 7 dedication of the Burns amp Allen Research Institute
which is based in the Barbara and Marvin Davis Research Building

1998 Phase II of the Ruth and Harry Roman Emergency Department subacute
and pediatrics is dedicated

1998 The newly established threestory CedarsSinai Surgery Center opened for outpatient surgeries at 310 San Vicente Blvd

1999 Groundbreaking for S Mark Taper Foundation Imaging Center
Evergreen Hospital Earns FiveYear BabyFriendly Hospital Designation

KIRKLAND Wash March 29 2012 PRNewswire via COMTEX Evergreen Healthcare today announced it has renewed its fiveyear designation as a BabyFriendly Hospital demonstrating the organizations commitment to adopting new policies and procedures that lead to improved health outcomes for newborns and families The designation is awarded by BabyFriendly US... Read More

10 Million Aging Baby Boomers Heading Straight Into Alzheimer Years

One night my mother wandered I had no idea I was sound asleep When I woke up and found her she was fully dressed Her shoes were soaking wet It had rained the day before so I realized she had been out That was the turning point Thats when I knew I could no longer care for my mother at home It was beyond my control Helen Hendersons experience with... Read More