Cardinal Hill Rehabilitation Hospital


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Cardinal Hill Rehabilitation Hospital

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2050 Versailles Road

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  • Pulmonology

Total Number Of Beds : 108


Cardinal Hill Rehabilitation Hospital CHRH located in Lexington KY provides post acute inpatient physical rehabilitation services for people of all ages CHRH is dedicated exclusively to physical rehabilitation practices specializing in the treatment of but not limited to clients with the following disabling conditions

spinal cord injury
brain injury
multiple sclerosis
joint replacements


Cardinal Hill Rehabilitation Hospital opened in 1950 at the height of the polio epidemic as a 50bed convalescent home for children with polio and other orthopedic diagnoses As the polio epidemic declined the emphasis changed to include treatment of spinal cord injured children and young adults

With census increasing it became apparent to the Kentucky Easter Seal Society the Board of Trustees and the Kentucky Bureau of Rehabilitation that there was a great need for a rehabilitation program for patients with spinal cord injury

These three groups joined together to plan an expanded program of 50 additional rehabilitation beds In 1974 the South wing was opened with 50bed capacity plus education and training areas

At this time the hospital began to treat adults as well as children and began to receive many referrals for patients with diagnoses of stroke and head injury So in 1978 a new wing was added to house 70 patients and all patients were moved into that wing

The hospital continued to expand to the 108bed capacity currently housed on Versailles Road Cardinal Hill Rehabilitation Hospital now serves five major inpatient units including spinal cord injury general rehab stroke brain injury and pulmonary
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