Campus Berlin Buch (CBB)

Name :

Campus Berlin Buch (CBB)

Address  :

ECRC Experimental and Clinical Research Center
Lindenberger Weg 80

Town  :


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Post Code:


Phone  :

49 30 450 50

Web URL  :

  • Oncologist

Total Number Of Beds : 5000


At the Campus BerlinBuch in northeast Berlin the Chariteacute Universitaumltsmedizin Berlin enjoys a partnership with the clinical and research institutions who specialize in basic research and comprehensive clinical care as well as with several biotechnology companies

For more than 100 years BerlinBuch has served as a key location for health care and research Between 1900 and 1920 hospitals with more than 5000 patient beds were constructed in BerlinBuch including the largest hospital in Europe at the time The clinical environment attracted scientific institutes and in 1930 the KaiserWilhelmInstitute for Brain Research moved to Buch Later the GDRs Academy of Sciences continued the biomedical research tradition here

Today the Campus BerlinBuch comprised of Specialized Clinics for Cancer and Cardiovascular Disease the Max Delbruumlck Center for Molecular Medicine MDC BerlinBuch the LeibnizInstitut fuumlr Molekulare Pharmakologie FMP as well as the biotechnology park with circa 50 companies is one of the largest biomedical centres in Germany In addition further hospitals and clinics call Buch home such as the Protestant Lung Clinic Berlin Evangelische Lungenklinik Berlin and the Rheuma Clinic BerlinBuch
Quantum Installs a QRadDIGITAL DRX Series Radiographic System at St Marys Hospital in Waterbur

Long Island NY Medical equipment manufacturer Quantum Medical Imaging has completed an installation of a QRadDIGITAL DRX Series Radiographic System in the newly opened Pre Admission Testing Center at St Marys Hospital in Waterbury Connecticut The sale and installation was facilitated Parker XRay a Quantum Gold Star Dealer in the USA St Marys Hos... Read More

Peripheral Vascular Disease

Limb Saving Treatment Times Two Good Samaritan Hospital patients now have alternatives to the treatment of a painful condition known as peripheral vascular disease PVD This condition refers to the diseases of the blood vessels outside of the heart This involves the narrowing of the vessels that carry blood into the legs arms stomach kidneys and br... Read More