Callahan Eye Foundation Hospital

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Callahan Eye Foundation Hospital

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1720 University Boulevard

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205 325 8100

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  • Ophthalmology


Since opening in 1963 thousands of patients have received stateoftheart ophthalmic care and it has become a regional national and international referral facility The staff of Callahan Eye Hospital CEH represents each of seven subspecialties Serving as a tertiary referral center for ophthalmology we provide care to the general ophthalmology patient glaucoma retina vitreous cornea ocular plastics pediatric ophthalmology and neurological ophthalmology Working together our medical staff of 87 ophthalmologists is comprised of both community physicians and fulltime faculty at the University of Alabama at Birmingham and serves as a remarkable example of town and gown collegiality


During World War II Vicksburg native Alston Callahan MD was in charge of the Eye Unit of the US Army Northington General Hospital located in Tusculoosa Alabama Dr Roy Kracke the first Dean of the four year medical school at the University of Alabama at Birmingham invited Dr Callahan to lecture the medical students Dr Callahan quickly realized the tremendous potential for developing an eye center in Birmingham and relocated with his family in 1946

In 1950 Dr Callahans dreams of building an eye specialty hospital began to come true Five year old Barbara Ingalls whose eyes had been crossed since infancy was referred to Dr Callahan Dr Callahan was able to straighten her eyes by prescribing her with strong glasses and by giving her eye muscle exercises

When Barbaras grandfather Robert I Ingalls Sr founder of Ingalls Ironworks and Ingalls Shipbuilding Corporation realized that he had not been sent a bill for Dr Callahans services he demanded one immediately Rather than submit a personal charge Dr Callahan asked Mr Ingalls to help indigent children in need of eye care by donating 20000 to purchase a lot which would be the ideal location for the an eye hospital Mr Ingalls challenged Dr Callahan to raise 10000 within a week and he would match it Dr Callahan was successful and a dream became reality as the Callahan Eye Foundation Inc embarked on a mission of providing the best possible eye care to all who needed it regardless of their ability to pay
The Callahan Eye Foundation Hospital opened its doors for the public in 1963 In 1971 The Callahan Eye Foundations ophthalmology residency training program combined with The University of Alabama at Birmingham UAB This program has trained over 200 ophthalmologists since its inception

In July 1997 The Callahan Eye Foundation Hospital became a part of the University of Alabama at Birmingham Health System As a part of the health system The Callahan Eye Foundation maintains its mission to provide quality eye care offers an ophthalmology residency program and participates cooperatively with UAB in the research of eye diseases As a result of the sale the previously heard of Callahan Eye Foundation Inc created a new 501c3 organization The Alabama Eye Institute which now possesses a total endowment of 65 million and whose mission is to promote research teaching and indigent care related to the human eye

In September of 1999 The Callahan Eye Foundation Hospital was renamed Callahan Eye Foundation Hospital in honor of its founder Alston Callahan MD

The Callahan Eye Foundation Hospital offers the only 24 hour 7 day a week eye emergency room in the state of Alabama Cox Thomas Ocular Prosthetics lab is located in The Callahan Eye Foundation Hospital The Lions Eye Clinic has been a viable part of the Callahan Eye Foundation Hospital since 1977 the clinic enables The Callahan Eye Foundation to treat patients regardless of their ability to pay A dedicated laser suite contains YAG Argon Excimer and other approved lasers Eight complete superbly equipped ophthalmology operating rooms are available for the 30 active physicians on staff The Callahan Eye Foundation is also pleased to be a leader in ophthalmology research with six research labs and projects that range from a Driving Assessment Clinic to progressive Macular Degeneration Research
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