California Medical Facility


Name :

California Medical Facility

Address  :

1600 California Drive
P.O. Box 2000

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Phone  :

707 448 6841

Web URL  :

Not Available


The California Medical Facility CMF was established in 1955 by the Legislature to provide a centrally located medical psychiatric institution for the health care needs of the male felon population in Californias prisons Currently CMF operates with a 171 million dollar budget and approximately 1853 employees

CMF houses a general acute care hospital correctional treatment center CTC licensed elderly care unit inpatient and outpatient psychiatric facilities a hospice unit for terminally ill inmates housing and treatment for inmates identified with AIDSHIV general population and other special inmate housing Additionally the Department of Mental Health operates a licensed acute care psychiatric hospital within CMF

Institution StatisticsAs of Fiscal Year 20062007 the following statistics apply

Number of custody staff724
Number of medical staff551
Number of support services staff253
Number of Department of Mental Health staff325
Total number of staff1853

Annual operating budget180 million
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