Calhoun- Hospitals

  Records : 1

UT Southwesterns New University Hospital Will Be Named to Honor Former Gov William P Clements Jr

DALLAS April 12 2012 PRNewswireUSNewswire UT Southwestern Medical Center will name its new stateoftheart University Hospital now under construction to honor legendary Texas Gov William P Clements Jr in recognition of his 2009 gift of 100 million to the Southwestern Medical Foundation the largest single gift for the benefit of UT Southwestern in th... Read More

Early antibiotics for blood poisoning could save thousands of lives doctor says

A Winnipeg doctor has a plan to save as many as 5000 Canadian lives for little cost Providing antibiotics to patients with severe sepsis a form of blood poisoning caused by infections soon after they roll through hospital doors Though it sounds simple enough some hospitals for both bureaucratic and philosophical reasons are not willing to jump on... Read More