Brockton Hospital

Name :

Brockton Hospital

Address  :

680 Centre Street

Town  :


State  :


Country  :


Post Code:

02302 3395

Phone  :

508 941 7000

Web URL  :

  • Anaesthesiology
  • Obestetrician/Gynecologist
  • Orthopedics
  • Paediatrics
  • Psychiatrist

Total Number Of Beds : 282


Founded as Brockton Hospital in 1896 the Hospital is the oldest and largest inpatient facility in its service area which is designated as the city of Brockton and twentyone surrounding municipalities We strive to be recognized as the quotproviders of choicequot by staff patients and the community

We are a communitybased nonprofit teaching hospital providing a full range of clinical services We maintain a major teaching affiliation with Tufts Medical Center and are fully accredited by the Joint Commission on Accreditation of Healthcare Organizations We are a member of the Massachusetts Hospital Association and the American Hospital Association

The hospital has 253 licensed beds including a 29bed hospitalbased skilled nursing unit Operation of this Transitional Care Unit began in 1997 In addition to providing medicalsurgical pediatric and obstetric services the hospital offers inpatient and outpatient psychiatry radiation oncology cardiac catheterization Level II nursery and magnetic resonance imaging

In 2008 and 2010 we received the Premier Award for Quality ranking us in the top 1 of all acute care hospitals in the country


Founded as Brockton Hospital in 1896 the Hospital is the oldest and largest inpatient facility in its service area defined below which includes the city of Brockton and twentyone other municipalities with a 2002 census of over 459000 people The hospital began operation in the home of George H Kingman at 680 Centre Street in Brockton and has expanded its facilities to cover over 147 acres of land at the same address The Commissioner of Health and various political figures both at the state and federal levels have recognized the Hospitals historical and continuing commitment to the population residing in the city of Brockton The Hospitals facilities and programs have expanded consistent with need and demand for health care services with periodic facility additions and renovations

As a community resource the Hospital offers area residents numerous health care education programs in the fields of breast care nutrition and weight control as well as a wide range of support groups

The Hospital has maintained the Brockton Hospital School of Nursing since 1897 The School of Nursing in conjunction with Fisher College of Boston offers fulltime and parttime programs leading to a diploma and an Associate of Science Degree in nursing With a current year enrollment of 292 students Brockton School of Nursing is the only hospitalbased school of nursing in Massachusetts to offer a combined nursing degree

Historically the Hospital has added needed clinical services which have allowed it to continue operating as a regional provider of health care In addition to providing medicalsurgical pediatric and obstetric services the Hospital has over the years added to its service complement inpatient psychiatry radiation oncology cardiac catheterization Level II nursery outpatient psychiatry magnetic resonance imaging and a Transitional Care Unit The Hospital maintains its commitment to technological capability through the acquisition of stateoftheart diagnostic therapeutic imaging and laboratory equipment

The Hospital operates a number of primary care and specialty clinics on its campus a characteristic more often associated with teaching hospitals rather than typical community hospitals The Hospital further exhibits characteristics of teaching hospitals in that although it is communitybased it has established a major teaching affiliation with TuftsNew England Medical Center to continue the Hospitals more than 30year tradition of education the doctors of tomorrow through residency programs and a transitional year residency The Hospital also offers a surgical residency in otolaryngology ENTquot with Tufts University School of Medicine The Hospital maintains a formal relationship with TuftsNew England Medical Center which allows the Hospitals Level II nursery to offer maternity services to women in the high risk category whose newborns could require Level II care Women in this category would otherwise require care at one of the tertiary care teaching hospitals in Boston

The Hospital has significant primary care and medical specialty orientation This orientation plus a positive reputation in pediatrics obstetrics and psychiatry has facilitated managed care contracts between the Hospital and every insurer maintaining a significant presence within the Hospitals service area

The growth of the Hospital and its affiliated physician practices led to a new emphasis on seamless integration of practices providers medical information and technology In 2007 the organization redefined itself as a healthcare system changing the parent company name to Signature Healthcare Soon after in January 2008 Bridgewater Goddard Park Medical Associates joined the Signature Healthcare family Comprised of Brockton Hospital Bridgewater Goddard Park Medical Associates Primary Care Affiliates Womens Health Affiliates Specialty Physician Group Signature Healthcare Foundation Brockton Hospital School of Nursing and the Ambassadors Club Signature Healthcare signifies a new level of access and care for the residents in our service area all under one name
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