Bowen Hospital

Name :

Bowen Hospital

Address  :

98 Churchill Drive
Crofton Downs

Town  :


State  :


Country  :


Post Code:


Phone  :

04 479 2069

Fax  :

04 479 8520

Web URL  :

Email  :

  • Gastro-enterology
  • General Surgeon
  • Gynaecology
  • Maxillofacial Surgery
  • Ophthalmology
  • Orthopedics
  • Otolaryngologist
  • Plastic Surgery
  • Urology

Total Number Of Beds : 15


Who we are
Bowen Hospital has a proud tradition of patient care supported by the very latest technology equipment and facilities The treatment and care you receive will be of the highest standard and our staff will do their best to help you return to good health as quickly and as comfortably as possible Experienced professional management ensures that our high standards are maintained with due regard to efficiency and cost

Todays modern hospital is surrounded by gardens and set in native bush conveniently located away from the bustle of the city in Crofton Downs yet easily accessible from all directions and with free parking

Our Mission
To be the preeminent provider of independent private specialist related Healthcare in New Zealand offering superior facilities and services to medical practitioners and their patients

Our Vision
To be acknowledged as the market leader in terms of the quality of the facilities and services we provide and to be recognised within the communities we serve as a responsible and valued corporate citizen

Our Core Values
The appropriate interests of all stakeholders including patients their doctors patients insurers staff suppliers bankers shareholders and the communities in which we work need to be understood and accommodated if we are to succeed

All transactions and dealings with stakeholders will be conducted fairly honestly transparently and with proper respect for their rights

We will always be vigilant in caring for our patients and we will always maintain our respect for their dignity confidentiality and wellbeing

We are committed to maintaining a safe environment for employees patients visitors and contractors

We will seek to always maintain a positive and constructive relationship with our staff by providing the support and resources to enable them to carry out their duties effectively and efficiently with compassion and with pride and to the highest standards of professionalism Effort and performance will be duly recognised

We believe that we must always aspire to improve what we do and if we work as a team we will achieve those improvements more quickly

We believe private hospitals make an essential significant and ever growing contribution to the health and wellbeing of the community complementing and progressively offering timely quality alternatives in terms of facilities and services to those offered by public hospitals


Our History
Bowens longstanding tradition of caring dates back to 1912 when the original hospital in Bowen Street opposite Parliament was built by the late Dr W E Herbert who operated the hospital with Dr H HardwickSmith

On Dr Herberts death in 1933 the land and buildings were sold to the Government and leased by a group of doctors In 1965 the Government served notice that it required the land and as a result the doctors donated their assets to the Bowen Hospital Charitable Trust

The present site with its tranquil surroundings and easy access from all directions was selected for the establishment of a modern architecturally designed surgical hospital

In 1999 the hospital became Bowen Hospital Limited a company jointly owned by the Bowen Hospital Charitable Trust and a group of medical practitioners

In April 2003 the hospital was acquired by Wakefield Hospital Limited a listed public company on the New Zealand Stock Exchange

In August 2005 Wakefield Health Limited was established with Bowen and Wakefield Hospitals as wholly owned subsidiaries In January 2006 Wakefield Health merged with Royston Hospital in Hastings
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