Botsford Hospital

Name :

Botsford Hospital

Address  :

28050 Grand River Avenue

Town  :

Farmington Hills

State  :


Country  :


Post Code:

48336 5919

Phone  :

248 471 8000

Web URL  :

  • Cardiology
  • Dermatology
  • ENT
  • Gastro-enterology
  • General Surgeon
  • Hematologist
  • Immunology
  • Internal Medicine
  • Neuro Surgeon
  • Neurologist
  • Obestetrician/Gynecologist
  • Oncologist
  • Ophthalmology
  • Orthopedics
  • Otolaryngologist
  • Pain Management
  • Plastic Surgery
  • Psychiatrist
  • Pulmonology
  • Urology
  • Vascular Surgeon

Total Number Of Beds : 330


Botsford Hospital is a 330bed health care facility serving communities in southern Oakland and western Wayne Counties including Farmington Farmington Hills Livonia Redford Dearborn Heights Detroit Southfield West Bloomfield Novi Northville Plymouth Lyon Township and Wixom

Botsford Hospitals ability to care for critically injured patients sets us apart from other area hospitals Botsford is now a verified Trauma Center Patients with a wide spectrum of traumatic injuries are treated at Botsford where specialists in emergency medicine surgery critical care and other disciplines are available 24 hours a day

Our Mission
We promise an uncompromising commitment to excellence and quality in the delivery of personal and compassionate health care

Our Vision
Botsford Hospital will be the leader in personalized quality health care

Our Values
We are committed to an environment in which the highest service standards are practiced

Our highly educated and dedicated staff is committed to providing advanced medical care to achieve optimal outcomes

To be understanding caring and nurturing by valuing every individual being sensitive and attentive to their needs

Our leadership physicians and staff are committed to lifelong learning that advances health

Holistic Care
We provide medical care to mind and body while achieving the highest human potential fulfilling our Osteopathic heritage

First and foremost we will ensure the safety of our patients and all who work or visit Botsford Hospital


Botsford Hospitals strong commitment to improving the health of the communities we serve extends back to the earliest days of the organization

Our roots were established in 1944 when the Zieger Osteopathic Hospital was opened in Detroit by Dr Allen Zieger

In 1965 Zieger Osteopathic opened Botsford at its current location in Farmington Hills For more than 40 years Botsford has grown and changed to meet the needs of the community we serve


1944 Dr Allen Zieger opens the 20bed Zieger Clinic Hospital in Detroit which later becomes Zieger Osteopathic Hospital

1963 Fifteen acres of land is purchased on Grand River in Farmington Hills behind the historic Botsford Inn at a cost of 9000 an acre for the future site of Botsford General Hospital

1965 Zieger Osteopathic opens Botsford General Hospital a 200bed facility on Grand River in Farmington Hills

1972 Botsfords South Tower is completed which adjoins the main building and adds 110 hospital beds

1977 The new North Professional Building opens with a stateoftheart ambulatory surgical facility which expands the campus

1981 The Edgewood School is purchased and renovated to become the Allen Zieger DO Administration and Education Building

1982 Community Emergency Medical Services Community EMS opens in Farmington with 20 employees and four ambulances

1984 Botsford buys Farmington Nursing Home located on 30 acres a mile west of the hospital This is later transformed into a senior residence Botsford Commons Community

1987 Major expansion and renovation opened two specialized patient care units Rehabilitation and Geropsychiatry This brings the hospital to its present licensed capacity of 330 beds

1987 The South Professional Building opens offering two floors of professional offices on botsfords main campus Botsford Family Health Center in Livonia opens to treat patients of all ages

1988 Inside the hospital a new cardiac catheterization lab opens

1988 Total Rehabilitation and Athletic Conditioning Center TRACC opens on Grand River in Novi to provide physical and occupational therapy and health improvement programs

1989 Emergency Center is refurbished to meet the increasing need for services

1990 Botsford Center for Health Improvement opens in Novi with programs for health and wellness education programs for those with chronic diseases
1991 Botsford Kidney Center opens on Eight Mile in Livonia to treat dialysis patients

1991 Groundbreaking for first independent living units on Botsford Commons campus a senior residence between Folsom and Tuck Roads in Farmington Hills begins

1992 The hospitals west pavilion opens with expanded ambulatory surgery and endoscopy units

1993 Community EMS corporate headquarters moves to its current Southfield location

1993 The east pavilion opens with new emergency surgery and clinical laboratory facilities and a rooftop helistop for receiving and evacuating emergency patients

1993 Botsford Commons Community opens offering those 55 years and older a comfortable place to enjoy their senior years with multiple levels of care
1994 Botsford unveils its new special Delivery Center a maternity center with specialized LaborDeliveryRecovery LDR rooms designe
Karmanos Cancer Center receives HealthGrades 2012 Outstanding Patient Experience Award

HealthGrades analyzed patient satisfaction data for 3837 hospitals in the country using Hospital Consumer Assessment of Healthcare Providers and Systems HCAHPS hospital survey data obtained from the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services CMS The information was compiled from surveys given to a random sample of patients who were discharged from ... Read More

Diagnosis of Diseases Through Ages

Diagnosis of diseases in the past involved very primitive equipments Cutting edge technology as is seen today was not heard of in the past KG Hospital when established in the year 1974 had very few gadgets to diagnose equipments However every effort was made to import advanced and sophisticated equipments as were available in the West so as to make... Read More