Bloomington Meadows Hospital

Name :

Bloomington Meadows Hospital

Address  :

3600 North Prow Road

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Post Code:


Phone  :

812 331 8000

Fax  :

812 331 8056

Web URL  :


Bloomington Meadows Hospital The Right Environment For Healing

Bloomington Meadows is not just a hospital it is an environment dedicated to helping patients restore their health and get a fresh start Located on seven acres of rolling hills in Bloomington Indiana Bloomington Meadows provides each patient with comprehensive behavioral health treatment from a compassionate and caring staff We offer services to children adolescents and adults on an inpatient and outpatient basis

Preventive medicines can help migraine sufferers

Many migraine sufferers could have fewer less severe headaches if they took preventive medicines but few eligible patients do say doctors releasing updated treatment guidelines Monday The guidelines list seven prescription medicines and one herbal remedy backed by strong evidence and include many other treatments that might work for some patient... Read More

How do you protect your children from household poisons

Selina Esteves thought that she knew everything when it came to protecting her children from danger The Toronto mother works at the Hospital for Sick Children and is constantly surrounded by messages about the importance of safety But she received a major jolt about four months ago when her toddler drank two bottles of liquid medication when ... Read More