Bhc Pinnacle Pointe Hospital


Name :

Bhc Pinnacle Pointe Hospital

Address  :

11501 Financial Center Parkway

Town  :

Little Rock

State  :


Country  :


Post Code:


Phone  :

501 223 3322

Web URL  :


About Us
Located in Little Rock Ark Pinnacle Pointe Hospital offers psychiatric services for children and adolescents Pinnacle Pointe Hospital is the only TRICARE certified residential facility in Arkansas We serve children of military families from the United States and abroad

Our 124bed hospital for children ages 517 offers

Acute services shortterm stay 214 days

Residential services longer term program 26 months

Outpatient services

Licensed by the state Department of Health

K12 school approved by the Arkansas State Department of Education

To consistently deliver quality behavioral health care to children and adolescents in concert with parents caregivers guardians and community professionals
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