Beaumont Hospital

Name :

Beaumont Hospital

Address  :

3601 West Thirteen Mile Road

Town  :

Royal Oak

State  :


Country  :


Post Code:


Phone  :

248 898 5000

Web URL  :

Beaumont Hospital
  • Anaesthesiology
  • Cardiology
  • Colon & Rectal Surgeon
  • Daibetes, Endocrinology
  • Gastro-enterology
  • Gynaecology
  • Maxillofacial Surgery
  • Neuro Surgeon
  • Neurologist
  • Obestetrician/Gynecologist
  • Oncologist
  • Ophthalmology
  • Orthopedics
  • Otolaryngologist
  • Otorhinolaryngology
  • Paediatrics
  • Pain Management
  • Plastic Surgery
  • Psychiatrist
  • Radiation therapy
  • Urology
  • Vascular Surgeon
  • X-Ray

Total Number Of Beds : 1070

Other Facilities

  • X-Ray


Beaumont opened on January 24 1955 as a 238bed community hospital in Royal Oak Michigan Today that hospital is a 1061bed major academic and referral center with Level 1 trauma status and Michigans first Magnetdesignated hospital for nursing excellence The hospital ranks first in the United States for inpatient admissions and second for its number of surgeries A second Beaumont hospital opened in Troy in 1977 as a 200bed acute care community teaching hospital It is now among the nations highestvolume community hospitals with 361 beds and is third for its number of admissions and fourth in surgeries among hospitals of its size In October 2007 Beaumont became a regional health provider when it acquired a third community hospital with 289 beds in Grosse Pointe Ninetyone medical and surgical specialties are represented on the Beaumont medical staffs of more than 3100 physicians Beaumont is accredited by the Joint Commission

Beaumont is a major teaching facility that has 37 accredited residency and fellowship programs with 400 residents and fellows For undergraduate training it is affiliated with the University of Michigan and Wayne State University schools of medicine Beaumont also has a nursing affiliation with Oakland University including a topranked certified registered nurse anesthetist school and is partnering with OU to establish a private medical school to open in 2010

Facilities and specialty services

Numerous communitybased medical centers in Macomb Oakland and Wayne
counties including family practice and internal medicine practices in
Macomb and Wayne counties

Five nursing centers located in Bloomfield Hills Shelby Township St
Clair Shores Southfield and West Bloomfield

An assistedliving facility in St Clair Shores

Home care services including nursing care infusion medical equipment and
a hospice

The Marcia and Eugene Applebaum Surgical Learning Center one of about 25
in the US with Level 1 status from the American College of Surgeons

The Beaumont Health Center in Royal Oak with outpatient rehabilitation
services an interventional pain center an anticoagulation medicine
service a hyperbaric medicine program and the Beaumont Weight Control

The Beaumont Research Institute with more than 300 investigators
conducting more than 940 active laboratory and clinical studies funded by
government foundation and commercial grants topping 30 million More than
84000 patients are registered for research settings

A Center for Human Development serving children and adults with learning
behavioral and developmental disorders including autism

The Beaumont Heart Center a world leader in research diagnosis and
treatment of heart attack heart rhythm disorders and chest pain and the
Ministrelli Womens Heart Center the states only center exclusively
devoted to womens heart disease prevention and diagnosis

The Beaumont Cancer Center with two sites of care that is a national leader
in cancer diagnosis and accelerated treatment of breast and prostate

A Community Clinical Oncology Program that uses highly trained cancer
doctors in community settings to bring the benefits of research to a
greater number of people

One of the nations highestvolume hospitals for knee and hip replacements
Royal Oak

An internationally recognized center for advanced treatment of urological

Beaumont Hospital is a regional and national leader in providing health care services medical education and medical research Beaumonts mission is to provide the highest quality health care services to all of our patients regardless of where they live or their financial circumstances Beaumont provides these services most efficiently effectively and compassionately to ensure they are of the highest possible value to those who receive them and to those who pay for them

How we accomplish our mission is as important as the mission itself Fundamentals to our mission are

our employees physicians and volunteers are our strength They determine our reputation and vitality Teamwork and personal respect are our human values

our services for patients in need are the reason for our being

Financial Viability
our ability to provide high quality service at reasonable cost is one measure of our effectiveness Our ability to reinvest resources into continually better treatment methods and facilities is another


Beaumont has grown from a single 238bed hospital opened in 1955 to serve a small community in Royal Oak Michigan into a threehospital regional medical center

In 1977 Beaumont expanded into Troy with what is now a 361bed community and teaching hospital that is ranked among the nations busiest smaller community hospitals In October 2007 Beaumont acquired a third community hospital with 289 beds in Grosse Pointe The original Beaumont Hospital Royal Oak facility has evolved into a 1061bed tertiary care teaching research and referral hospital that is the largest inpatient hospital in the country Today our medical staff includes more than 3100 physicians representing more than 91 medical and surgical specialties

How Beaumont got its name
Beaumont is named for William Beaumont MD who in 1822 at an isolated army outpost on Mackinac Island Michigan made a breakthrough in the study of human digestion and physiology After a French Canadian trapper suffered an abdominal wound that healed with a permanent opening Dr Beaumont took the opportunity to study digestion both inside and outside the stomach He conducted 238 experiments and published several reports that were considered the most important work on human digestion at that time
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