Bay Area Hospital


Name :

Bay Area Hospital

Address  :

1775 Thompson Road

Town  :

Coos Bay

State  :


Country  :


Post Code:


Phone  :

541 269 8111

Web URL  :

Bay Area Hospital
  • Anaesthesiology
  • Dermatology
  • ENT
  • Family Practice
  • General Surgeon
  • Gynaecology
  • Internal Medicine
  • Neuro Surgeon
  • Neurologist
  • Obestetrician/Gynecologist
  • Ophthalmology
  • Orthopedics
  • Paediatrics
  • Pain Management
  • Pathology Lab
  • Psychiatrist
  • Urology

Total Number Of Beds : 172


Bay Area Hospital has more than 1000 employees 130 physicians on its medical staff 100 volunteers and is governed by a fivemember Board of Directors who are elected officials

As the medical center for Oregons South Coast Bay Area Hospital offers a comprehensive range of diagnostic and therapeutic services The hospitals inpatient and outpatient services include medical surgical mental health pediatric critical care home health outpatient psychiatric oncology obstetrical and other specialties

Modern technology has made diagnosis and treatment easier New and expanded medical services include laser treatments MRI CT PET mammography stereotactic breast biopsy laparoscopy ultrasound nuclear medicine varicose vein treatment and the latest technology in radiation therapy called IMRT intensity modulated radiation therapy

Physicians and nurses and technologists are on duty 24 hours a day to meet the medical and emergency needs of South Coast residents and visitors

Our highly skilled staff is involved in a constant process of professional educational opportunities to keep abreast of the latest medical innovations

Bay Area Hospital is committed to quality health care Proof of this commitment is our accreditation by the Joint Commission on Accreditation of Healthcare Organizations


We improve the health of our community every day


Bay Area Hospital will be the model for regional health care excellence


Dignity Uphold value as a human being

Integrity Adherence to a code of values that includes sincerity honesty and candor

Respect Appreciate every persons value and hisher role in the organization

Excellence Exceed expectations inspire others and demonstrate exceptional quality

Commitment Demonstrate professionalism through responsibility loyalty and dedication

Teamwork Work together to achieve a shared goal in a spirit of cooperation within and across departments and with customers


1952 to 2005

In 1952 local voters approved formation of the Bay Area Health District which encompasses most of Coos County Eighteen years later the Districts Board of Directors voted to build a new medical facility to replace the Bay Areas two older hospitals In May 1970 voters passed a 675 million hospital bond levy for construction of Bay Area Hospital On May 19 1974 the hospital opened its doors and admitted its first patients On July 1 1987 the original construction bond was paid off and retired

Bay Area Hospital has remained a stable facility through hard economic times because of sound fiscal management dedicated board members professional employees a highly qualified medical staff and caring volunteers No public tax or bond monies are required to operate its 110 million operating budget

The first major expansion in 28 years is complete with the addition of 43000 square feet of new space and another 23000 square feet of remodeled space A new lobby entrance admitting emergency department radiology maternity services surgical services short stay center laundry facilities and newly relocated helicopter pad were added to enhance patient care


1952 Voters approve formation of the Bay Area Health District

January 1970 Board of Directors vote to build a new hospital to replace the areas two older hospitals

May 1970 Voters pass a 675 million bond levy for new hospital construction

February 1972 Citizens group tries to abolish the Health District in an effort to stop hospital construction A special election was called

February 1972 Voters approve hospital construction plan again

April 1972 Groundbreaking ceremony

April 1974 8000 visitors attend Dedication ceremony of new 140bed hospital

May 19 1974 BAH opens and admits 54 patients from Keizer Memorial and McAuley hospitals

May 1974 Twentyseven new physicians open practice as a result of new hospital

September 1974 Board of Directors approve 48 million 32bed expansion

September 1977 Home Health program begins

December 1979 New 32bed wing dedicated Patient census reaches 166

July 1987 Original construction bond paid off and retired 15 years early

November 1987 14 million general facelift completed

March 1988 Newly remodeled Critical Care Unit and new Intermediate Care Unit open

October 1990 Maternity remodeling completed

December 1990 Radiation Therapy Center opens

June 1991 First integrated computer system installed

Spring 1997 New stateofthe art CT scanner installed

July 1998 Groundbreaking ceremony for 14 million expansion

July 1998 Mammography and stereotactic breast biopsy services begin

December 1998 New 1million angiography suite opens

April 1999 Newly remodeled Mental Health unit opens

October 1999 New access road opens

December 1999 Website unveiled at wwwbayareahospitalorg

Highlights of 2000

amp9642 Laundry Services open for first time in hospitals history

amp9642 First phase of new construction is complete New areas to open include MRI Maternity Services Mammography Services Surgery suites Emergency Department

Highlights of 2001

amp9642 Dan Smith assumes role as PresidentCEO when Dale Jessup announces retirement after five years

amp9642 Sleep Center opens

amp9642 Grand Opening and Dedication of 30 million expansion

amp9642 Bay Area Hospital is one of two hospitals on the West Coast to have the most technologically advanced linear accelerator in the industry for the treatment of cancer

Highlights of 2002

amp9642 Second Sleep Center room opens

amp9642 225000 in Community Development Grants were given to 18 local organizations during fiscal year

amp9642 New Espresso Bar opens to rave reviews

amp9642 Successfully finished major remodeling projects of the Cafeteria Conference Rooms Orthopedic Unit and the second phase of the Laboratory

amp9642 The hospital sponsored an additional nursing program instructor at Southwestern Community College to increase class size

Highlights of 2003

amp9642 Continuing Medical Education received the Oregon Medical Associations fouryear accreditation citing it as an outstanding program

amp9642 Information Services unveiled intranet site to improve inhouse communications

amp9642 Every department employee physician volunteer and vendor completed the HIPAA training for the new federal regulations that took effect

amp9642 237000 Community Development Grant funds allocated to 16 local organizations for healthrelated programs

amp9642 Laboratory received a Gold Standard accreditation from the College of American Pathologists

amp9642 In a collaborative program with the hospital the first class of certified surgical techs graduated from Southwestern Community College

amp9642 Dedication of outdoor recreational area for Mental Health patients

Highlights of 2004

amp9642 Hospital attained yet another threeyear accreditation by the Joint Commission on Accreditation of Healthcare Organizations

amp9642 Tumor Registry achieved another threeyear accreditation from the Commission on Cancer

amp9642 Short Stay placed in the top four percent for overall care of 83 West Coast hospitals in a Press Ganey survey

amp9642 A 16slice CT was installed giving the hospital superior scanning capabilities

amp9642 Critical Care was recognized in the top one percent in all categories compared to 463 other CCUs in a nationwide patient satisfaction survey

amp9642 Home Health achieved JCAHO accreditation for three years

amp9642 Emergency Department attained the top 21 percent of 121 West Coast hospitals in the nationwide patient satisfaction survey

Highlights of 2005

Opened a new outpatient psychiatric services clinic

Home Health scored in the top eight percent of 7500 Medicare certified agencies for best practices in reducing hospitalizations

For the first time in hospitals history the Laboratory achieved a perfect inspection from the College of American Pathologists Laboratory Accreditation Program

Installed a 1 million CT Simulator with 3D treatment planning at the Radiation Therapy Center

Signed a fiveyear multimillion dollar contract with Siemens Medical Systems for the implementation of a clinical information system

Partners in Good Health the community newsletter was a Silver winner in the 2005 Aster Awards which recognizes excellence in medical advertising

Administered 200000 in Community Development Grants to 12 local organizations for health related programs bringing the total of CDGs to more than 16 million over seven years

The Short Stay Center placed in the top four percent for overall care of 83 West Coast hospitals

The Auxiliary provided 24008 hours and donated 42500 for equipment and other patient enhancements bringing their total of donated hours to 760000 hours and donated monies to 771000 over 33 years
CDC Autism is more common than previously thought

New research showing one in 88 US children have autism spectrum disorders is focusing national attention on the need for earlier diagnosis and treatment especially in rural and minority communities Figures released Thursday by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention show a 23 increase in autism spectrum cases from 2006 to 2008 and 78 incr... Read More

Breakthrough Treatment For Brain Haemorrhage

Diagnosis is through MRI amp CT scans but treatment is through Cathlab Pinhole surgery is an alternative to traditional brain surgery in which the skull has to be opened The advantages are that only a short hospital stay is required for most procedures Blood loss infection pain and recovery time are reduced compared to conventional surgery Every ... Read More