Baptist Princeton


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Baptist Princeton

Address  :

701 Princeton Avenue Southwest

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Phone  :

205 783 3000

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About Us
The purchase of Birmingham Infirmary now Princeton Baptist Medical Center marked the formation of Baptist Health System in 1922 Today Princeton offers a wide range of medical and surgical specialties including cardiology surgery womens services diagnostic imaging and emergency care Licensed for 499 beds Princeton has more than 400 physicians representing 30 specialties and more than 1400 employees
Christiana Care Health System Skanska USA Top Out 215M Wilmington DE Hospital

Christiana Care Health System commemorated the structural completion of its new Wilmington Hospital during a topping out ceremony on Thursday April 12 on the top floor of the public parking garage on the hospitals campus The 215 million expansion includes a 386000squarefoot facility with a 10story patient tower and plaza that will feature new me... Read More

Equal Rights to Women

The constitution of India guarantees equality of opportunity and status to women and men It directs that women shall not only have equal rights and privileges but also directs that the state shall make provisions for the welfare of women In spite of the fact that women in India who constitute nearly half the population are still subjected to variou... Read More