Baptist Memorial Restorative Care Hospital


Name :

Baptist Memorial Restorative Care Hospital

Address  :

6019 Walnut Grove Rd

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Phone  :

901 226 5000

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Baptist Memorial Restorative Care Hospital located within the walls of Baptist Memorial HospitalMemphis is a 30bed longterm acutecare hospital Organizationally and functionally separated from Baptist Memorial HospitalMemphis but affiliated with Baptist Memorial Health Care Corporation it is designed specifically for patients who require continued acute care over an extended length of time

Most of its patients are admitted from intensive care and subacute intensive care units and most stay at least four weeks If they become unstable and require intensive care or cardiac monitoring they are readmitted

Before Baptist Memorial Restorative Care Hospital was opened some patients with ongoing problems would cycle repeatedly between the critical care areas and the general care floor They were no longer critically ill but needed a more complex level of care than that available on the general care floor

Hospitals Are Allowed to Not Hire Fat People

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Hospitals are not like a McDonalds chain

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