Baptist Memorial Hospital-Huntingdon


Name :

Baptist Memorial Hospital-Huntingdon

Address  :

631 R.B. Wilson Drive

Town  :


State  :


Country  :


Post Code:


Phone  :

731 986 4461

Web URL  :

  • Family Practice
  • General Surgeon
  • Orthopedics
  • Otolaryngologist
  • Urology

Total Number Of Beds : 150

Other Facilities

  • Pathology
  • X-Ray
  • CT/MRI


Baptist Memorial HospitalHuntingdon
Baptist Huntingdon became the eighth hospital to affiliate with Baptist Memorial Health Care Corp in 1983 Since then Baptist Huntingdon has experienced tremendous growth adding a 5000 square foot physician office building in 1989 In 1994 the hospital added a 40000 square foot medical center including expansion for health information management information systems home care and hospice and administration Other expansions and enhancements include MRI services occupational therapy and industrial services

Over the past decade the Baptist Huntingdon medical staff has more than quadrupled with the addition of specialists in internal medicine family practice general surgery orthopedics allergy otolaryngology pediatrics urology pathology and radiology

In 2006 Baptist Home Care and HospiceHuntingdon was recognized as one of the top 100 home care agencies in the nation in the HomeCare Elite rankings The HomeCare Elite list identifies the top 25 percent of home care agencies in the United States based on quality of care quality improvement and financial performance

Baptist Huntingdon is known for several firsts in Carroll County including the first hip replacement first to perform laparoscopic surgery first to have MRI services first to do a bone density assessment and the first to have a helical CT scanner Baptist Huntingdon is also a recipient of the prestigious Tennessee Quality Commitment Award


In response to an increasing need for hospital beds in Memphis at the turn of the century a group of Baptist visionaries set out to open a hospital to meet the new challenges of the growing city On July 20 1912 the vision became reality when the 150bed Baptist Memorial Hospital opened in downtown Memphis With a mission of preaching teaching and healing the downtown facility was the first step on the road to what has become one of the largest notforprofit health care systems in the nation
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