Baptist Memorial Hospital-Collierville

Name :

Baptist Memorial Hospital-Collierville

Address  :

1500 West Poplar

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Phone  :

901 861 9000

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Baptist Memorial HospitalCollierville opened May 1 1999 This fullservice hospital has premier facilities including large patient rooms with the amenities of home Situated on 75 acres of parklike campus the hospital campus has large trees a walking trail and a pond Adjacent to the airy dining room is the central lobby and beautiful fountain An outdoor courtyard is open on the second floor for patients and guests Continuing education classes and health seminars are offered to the public in the large classrooms

Medical services at the hospital include a sleep disorders center outpatient rehabilitation inpatient and outpatient surgery a critical care unit a fullservice emergency room inpatient and outpatient diagnostics five surgery suites 58 acute care beds seven critical care beds and a sixbed critical care stepdown unit

The Baptist Collierville Womens Center offers women advanced technology in the detection of breast cancer close to home Certified by the Food and Drug Administration and accredited by the American College of Radiology the center offers screening and diagnostic mammograms breast ultrasounds cyst aspirations biopsies wire localizations and bone densitometry testing Experienced boardcertified female radiologists and certified mammography technologists concerned with patient comfort and early detection staff the center

Baptist Memorial HospitalCollierville also offers the technically advanced lifesaving procedure called HeartScore The HeartScore scan can detect heart disease long before any symptoms appear

New technological advances employed by BaptistCollierville enable integrated information systems to help move the hospital toward a quotpaperlessquot environment Selfcontained 12bed nursing wings each containing a dedicated nursing station supply room and equipment allow nurses to provide the highest level of care to patients Physicians offices located on the second and third floors are integrated into the hospital

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