Banner - University Medicine Diabetes And Endocrinology Institute

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Banner - University Medicine Diabetes And Endocrinology Institute

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Banner  University Medicine Diabetes And Endocrinology Institute
  • Daibetes, Endocrinology
  • Endocrinology

Speciality Type :

  • Single Speciality : Bariatric & Weight Loss Surgery
  • Thyroid, Parathyroid and Adrenal Center


The Banner ndash University Medicine Diabetes and Endocrinology Institute can help manage and treat many complications and illnesses that can arise from diabetes metabolismrelated ailments and obesity From information and educational materials and more its all a part of how we Are trying to make life easier by making health care better ndash especially when you need to see a specialist focused on diabetes bariatrics and endocrinology

Our specialized centers include

Diabetes and Bariatrics Center
Endocrine Surgery Center
Thyroid Parathyroid and Adrenal Center
Some of the services our specialists offer include

Diabetes and diabetesrelated medical conditions
Metabolism and obesity conditions
Pituitary disorders
General endocrinology
Thyroid nodulesgoiter thyroid cancer hyperthyroidism and Graves disease hypothyroidism Hashimotos thyroiditis molecular markers for thyroid cancer diagnosis
Parathyroid hyperparathyroidism hypercalcemia osteoporosisosteopenia and kidney stones related to parathyroid disease parathyroid disease due to renal disease dialysis or kidney transplant vitamin D deficiencies
Adrenal conditions incidentalomas pheochromocytomas and paragangliomas aldosteronomas Cushings
Genetic and hereditary endocrine conditions multiple endocrine neoplasia type I and II Cowden syndromePHTSPTEN mutations familial adenomatous polyposis FAP familial thyroid cancer
Ultrasound for all thyroid and parathyroid conditions neck masses and lymph nodes lymph node mapping for thyroid cancer ultrasoundguided fine needle aspiration biopsy FNA
Surgery for all of the above conditions including operations performed for complex recurrent or reoperative disease and specialized bariatric surgery specialized thyroid and lymph node surgeries parathyroidectomy adrenalectomy and operations performed as minimally invasive surgery
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