Banner - University Medical Center South

Name :

Banner - University Medical Center South

Address  :

2800 E Ajo way

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Post Code:


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Web URL  :

  • Cardiology
  • Daibetes, Endocrinology
  • Endocrinology
  • Family Practice
  • Gastro-enterology
  • General Medicine
  • General Surgeon
  • Intensive Care Unit
  • Kidney Transplantation and Expanded Dialysis Unit
  • Neurologist
  • Orthopedics
  • Pathology Lab
  • Pharmacology
  • Psychiatrist
  • Sleepless mess
  • Sport Injuiry Clinics

Speciality Type :

Multi Speciality :

  • Surgical General
  • Surgical Endoscopic
  • General Indoorcase Medical
  • Orthopedic
  • Behavioral Health & Mental Health


Banner ndash University Medical Center South is a comprehensive medical center that includes an Emergency department a statedesignated trauma center and a Behavioral Health Pavilion Patients come to us for comprehensive and personalized care of the most common and the most complex conditions Our specialty services include inpatient and outpatient behavioral health treatment and education for diabetes innovative geriatrics care and comprehensive orthopedics

We are an Arizona Department of Health Servicesaccredited Cardiac Receiving Center and a ldquoseniorfriendlyrdquo hospital as designated by the national organization Nurses Improving Care for Healthsystem Elders NICHE

Our skilled physicians and nurses donate their time to provide free screenings health fairs and participate in community events as a way to increase awareness and educate the public We are dedicated to our community and collaborate with other community organizations for our underserved population
Hospital checklists cut readmissions Medicare costs

In another win for inhospital checklists new research finds that a simple onepage checklist can keep heart patients out of the hospital as well as save Medicare billions of dollars according to a presentation Saturday at the American College of Cardiologys ACC annual scientific session After using the 27question checklist before discharge 30day ... Read More

Write all prescriptions in capital letters Mumbai citizens tell doctors

MUMBAI It turns out that all those jokes about doctors scrawl are not funny at all Doctors illegible handwriting causes 7000 deaths in the US every year and another 15 million Americans report minor adverse reactionsbe it diarrhoea or rashesor even death Now a movement has begun in Mumbai asking the medical fraternity to write prescriptions i... Read More