Banner Goldfield Medical Center

Name :

Banner Goldfield Medical Center

Address  :

2050 W Southern Ave

Town  :

Apache Junction

State  :


Country  :


Post Code:


Phone  :


Web URL  :

Banner Goldfield Medical Center
  • Cancer Surgery
  • Chemotherapy
  • Immunology
  • Oncologist

Total Number Of Beds : 20

Speciality Type :

Multi Speciality :

  • Surgical General
  • Surgical Endoscopic
  • Palliative Care

Advance Facility

  • Medicine Facility
  • Medical Stores


At Banner Goldfield Medical Center our singular focus is to provide you with outstanding care and an unparalleled patient experience through the latest in medical technology a vision of compassion and a concentration on patient and employee safety

Banner Goldfield Medical Center provides stateoftheart patientcentered care to the communities of Apache Junction and Gold Canyon The 20bed hospital offers an array of medical care including emergency services medicalsurgical care progressive care surgery imaging pharmacy and lab services We uphold the Banner Health standard of efficient and effective medical care

Our highly skilled care team combined with the latest medical technology provides excellent patient care In addition to the medical team on site patients in the MedicalSurgical Unit and Emergency department are also monitored by the Banner iCaretrade team which provides 24hour remote monitoring by physicians and nurses via closedcircuit cameras and technology Banner iCaretrade staff work closely with physicians and nurses in the hospital to provide an extra level of care for Banner Goldfield patients
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Statins cut risk of bowel cancer Danger halved by cholesterolbusting pills

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