Bangor Mental Health Institute


Name :

Bangor Mental Health Institute

Address  :

656 State Street
P.O. Box 926

Town  :


State  :


Country  :


Post Code:

04402 0926

Phone  :

207 941 4000

Web URL  :


Dorothea Dix Psychiatric Center
Dorothea Dix Psychiatric Center formerly known as Bangor Mental Health Institute located in Bangor Maine is one of two State psychiatric hospitals under the Maine State Department of Health and Human Services DDPC is a 100 bed psychiatric hospital serving twothirds of the States geographic area that provides services for people with severe mental illness The Hospital is governed under laws established by the Maine Legislature to provide care and treatment for inpatients both voluntary and court committed inpatients as well as outpatients DDPC is part of a comprehensive mental health system of services in Northern and Eastern Maine which includes community mental health centers private psychiatric and community hospitals and private providers
Karmanos Cancer Center receives HealthGrades 2012 Outstanding Patient Experience Award

HealthGrades analyzed patient satisfaction data for 3837 hospitals in the country using Hospital Consumer Assessment of Healthcare Providers and Systems HCAHPS hospital survey data obtained from the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services CMS The information was compiled from surveys given to a random sample of patients who were discharged from ... Read More

Early antibiotics for blood poisoning could save thousands of lives doctor says

A Winnipeg doctor has a plan to save as many as 5000 Canadian lives for little cost Providing antibiotics to patients with severe sepsis a form of blood poisoning caused by infections soon after they roll through hospital doors Though it sounds simple enough some hospitals for both bureaucratic and philosophical reasons are not willing to jump on... Read More