Augusta Surgical Center

Name :

Augusta Surgical Center

Address  :

915 Russell Street

Town  :


State  :


Country  :


Post Code:


Phone  :

706 738 4925

Fax  :

706 738 7224

Web URL  :

  • Ophthalmology
  • Orthopedics
  • Otolaryngologist
  • Pain Management
  • Podiatry


Admissions Process
The patient or responsible party should bring their insurance cards and a photo IDThe patient or responsible party should bring their preferred payment method for any copays or balances The patient or responsible party should review carefully all of their information as listed on the chart Spellings addresses and other demographic information should be reviewed All patients should have a ride home and a responsible adult to care for them that evening For patient safety we request that a responsible adult remain at the center with the patient at all times

Parents or legal guardians of pediatric patients 17 years of age or younger need to remain at the Center at all times until dismissal Legal guardians should bring with them any legal or guardianship papers

Quality Improvement
Augusta Surgical Center is committed to providing the highest quality care and services possible We are participants in HCAs national quality improvement measurement program Best Demonstrated Practices which measures data on a monthly basis compares to surgical centers nationwide then reports back to us where we stand in comparison We are committed to maintaining the highest standards of patient care safety and satisfaction Additionally we have a broad internal quality management program which entails several key areas such as


Augusta Surgical Center the first freestanding ambulatory surgical center in Augusta Georgia was founded in 1983 by Dr R Jeffrey Adkins and Dr Harold S Engler We are licensed by Medicare the State of Georgia 121022 accredited by AAAHC and we are strategically located in close proximity to the medical complexes of the Medical College of Georgia University Hospital and Trinity Hospital of Augusta
Recycled Kidney Successfully Implanted into 2nd Recipient after First Failed Transplant

Surgeons have successfully transplanted a kidney that had already been transplanted in one patient but started to fail into a second patient doctors reported on Wednesday In a report published in the the New England Journal of Medicine doctors documented the groundbreaking procedures of a kidney that had been transplanted twice in two weeks A... Read More

Concerns in UK over feeding tube diet

Dieticians have warned of the dangers of losing weight with a starvation diet available in Britain for the first time The British Dietetic Association BDA says there are huge risks to the diet in which people are given just 130 calories a day through a feeding tube that goes up their nose and down to their stomach The 10day regime forces the ... Read More