Ashland Health Center


Name :

Ashland Health Center

Address  :

709 Oak Street

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Post Code:


Phone  :

620 635 2241

Web URL  :

  • Podiatry

Total Number Of Beds : 51

Other Facilities

  • X-Ray


Ashland Health Center AHC is a comprehensive rural community health complex that has been providing care to the greater Ashland community for over 50 years AHC is proud of our service to the community through our 24bed critical access hospital 21bed Long Term Care Unit 6bed independent living apartment complex rural health clinic and home health service line We are a notforprofit hospital district that is governed by a board of directors elected by the community
Recycled Kidney Successfully Implanted into 2nd Recipient after First Failed Transplant

Surgeons have successfully transplanted a kidney that had already been transplanted in one patient but started to fail into a second patient doctors reported on Wednesday In a report published in the the New England Journal of Medicine doctors documented the groundbreaking procedures of a kidney that had been transplanted twice in two weeks A... Read More

Health care turns deadly

CORNWALL The prognosis is not good for the Canadian health system according to William Charney and Michael Hurley who brought their message to Cornwall Thursday As many as 63000 Canadians will die from a medical error or hospitalacquired infection this year making it the second leading cause of death they say They say research shows 18 of Ca... Read More