Arms Acres

Name :

Arms Acres

Address  :

75 Seminary Hill Road

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State  :

New York

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Phone  :

845 225 3400

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Arms Acres is a 154bed licensed facility providing inpatient treatment for those suffering from addiction to alcohol or drugs We are situated on a tranquil 54acre site in Putnam County New York 90 miles north of New York CityArms Acres also has out patient programs in Carmel Queens Bronx and Florida NY

Our Mission
We are a private health care system providing high quality costeffective care to those suffering from alcoholism and chemical dependency and to the many whose lives are affected by the diseases of addiction


The History of Arms Acres
Winifred Arms and her husband Robert dedicated their lives to helping those suffering from chemical dependency As the story goes Mr Arms a recovering alcoholic himself was known to bring suffering addicts into his home in the Berkshires Ironically Robert Arms was killed by a drunk driver in 1971 In the years following his death Winifred continued their dedication to the cause of helping alcoholics into recovery She opened the doors of Arms Acres in March 1982 Mrs Arms died in 1995
Preventive medicines can help migraine sufferers

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Write all prescriptions in capital letters Mumbai citizens tell doctors

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