Arizona Cancer Center

Name :

Arizona Cancer Center

Address  :

1515 North Campbell Ave
P.O. Box 245013

Town  :


State  :


Country  :


Post Code:

85724 5013

Phone  :

520 626 5279

Fax  :

520 626 7499

Web URL  :

  • Dermatology
  • Hematologist
  • Oncologist
  • Pathology Lab
  • Psychiatrist

Other Facilities

  • Pathology


Arizona Cancer Center Mission and Vision
The Arizona Cancer Center mission is to prevent and cure cancer

The Arizona Cancer Centers vision is to be the preeminent leader in achieving freedom from cancer by extending and enhancing the lives of individuals regionally nationally and throughout the world We will achieve this vision through creative collaborations excellence in research and research driven multidisciplinary cancer prevention and patient care programs The creation and dissemination of our knowledge will be achieved through translational research technology development and novel programs in education and training Our priority is to assure that all those at risk for and affected by cancer have access to the highest quality care


History of the Arizona Cancer Center
Initially founded in 1976 as a Division of the University of Arizonas College of Medicine the Arizona Cancer Center currently stands as Center of Excellence in the Arizona Health Sciences Center In 1990 the Arizona Cancer Center was designated as one of the first comprehensive cancer centers by the National Cancer Institute NCI The Arizona Cancer Center is one of only two comprehensive cancer centers within the fivestate region of Arizona Colorado Nevada New Mexico and Utah and the only one headquartered in Arizona
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