Alleghany Memorial Hospital

Name :

Alleghany Memorial Hospital

Address  :

233 Doctors Street

Town  :


State  :

North Carolina

Country  :


Post Code:


Phone  :

336 372 5511

Web URL  :

  • General Surgeon
  • Internal Medicine
  • Ophthalmology

Total Number Of Beds : 46

Other Facilities

  • X-Ray


Alleghany Memorial Hospital provides top quality healthcare services facilitates education for healthcare needs and coordinates healthcare services that exceed the scope of our facility

People You Know

Care You Trust

Here When You Need Us


Alleghany Memorial Hospital was formed by a group of concerned citizens in July 1948 and opened on February 5 1951 with twenty patient beds The private nonprofit corporation was organized to take care of our family friends of Alleghany County and surrounding communities locally The original board members of the corporation were R Floyd Crouse RJ Randolph Fred G Weaver Lonnie Edwards Isom Wagoner Edd Pugh George Royal Kyle Edwards Phil Hanes Christine Gray Albert Richardson Marion Joines Ernest Edwards Pearl Fields JC Gambill Mack Woodie Edwin Duncan and DF Sturdivant

By the mid 1950s more patient rooms were needed Expansion plans were developed and construction of additional rooms consisting of eleven beds two wards of four beds and three single rooms was completed in November 1957

Continued growth occurred and the Doughton Wing named in honor of Robert Lee Doughton native of Alleghany County StatesmanHumanitarianCongressmanPhilanthropic friend of all mankind with twentyone beds was constructed in 1964

A complete renovation of Alleghany Memorial Hospital took place in 1976 and 1977 Additional space was added to the emergency department laboratory and the business department New heating and plumbing systems were installed and new furniture was purchased for all patient rooms

In 1986 a new physical therapy area medical records department conference room two offices and a solarium were added to the west wing of the hospital

In 1995 Alleghany Memorial Hospital developed a Specialty Clinic for specialty physicians services allowing our community to have expanded care without traveling long distances Additional diagnostic services were added for the convenience of the patients

In 1996 Endoscopy equipment was upgraded to expand patient care A telemedicine link for Radiology was established with Baptist Hospital in WinstonSalem

A Respiratory Therapy Department was added in 1997 and the Imaging Services Department was renovated Radiology coverage was extended to 24 hours a day 7 days a week OphthalmologyCataract specialty services were established and a new General Surgeon was recruited expanding surgical services Specialty services began offering Otolaryngology ENT procedures The formation of the Hospital Foundation Board to oversee fundraising and future development of facilities and services was also established

In 1999 Interstitial Laser Transurethral Prostatectomy services and epidural pain management for chronic back pain were developed Additional physicians were recruited to improve emergency room staffing The radiology department was renovated to replace and upgrade equipment The Hospital Foundation funded the purchase of a new mammography unit and a new bone density unit The main lobby was renovated and bedside cardiac telemetry monitoring systems were insatlled improving patient monitoring

In 2000 the State of North Carolina approved a Certificate of Need application to construct a new Surgery Department Emergency Department AdmissionsMain Entrance and renovate Lab Imaging Services and Respiratory Therapy Departments

Construction was completed in 2003 of the new Surgery and Emergency Departments as well as the new entrance About a year later the renovated Lab Imaging Services and Respiratory Departments were unveiled More details on the construction are located in the following pages

Also in 2003 the hospital engaged EmCare Emergency Medicine to staff the hospital Emergency Room with physicians on a 24 hour basis

Thanks to the generosity and support of our communities Alleghany Memorial Hospital has been able to grow to its present condition The hospitals service theme and marketing slogan quotPeople You Know Care You Trust Here When You Need Usquot is the underlying fabric of the historical success of the institution The hospitals mission is quotAlleghany Memorial provides top quality healthcare services facilitates education for healthcare needs and coordinates healthcare services that exceed the scope of our facilityquot We strive to provide health care in a manner that promotes integrity accountability fairness and respect Policies are implemented to protect patient and staff rights and the ethical standards we pursue are of the highest regard with respect to business practices and patient care delivery

Alleghany Memorial Hospitals Commitment to Excellence

Throughout its fiftyfive plus years of operation Alleghany Memorial Hospital has met the needs of the communities through planned growth and expansion The Hospital serves Alleghany County a community of approximately 11000 permanent and parttime residents as well as several Southwest Virginia communities such as Mouth of Wilson Elk Creek and Independence

The hospital recognizes how important it is to the health and economic well being of the communities and strives to continuously improve health care delivery to it constituents

Improving Medical Care

Alleghany Memorial Hospital is accredited through The Joint Commission

Founded in 1951 The Joint Commission is dedicated to continuously improving the safety and quality of the nations health care through voluntary accreditation The accreditation award recognizes Alleghany Memorials dedication to complying with the Joint Commissions stateoftheart standards on a continuous basis

quotAbove all the national standards are intended to stimulate continuous systematic and organizationwide improvement in an organizations performance and the outcomes of carequot says Darlene Christiansen executive director Hospital Accreditation Program Joint Commission quotThe community should be proud that Alleghany Memorial Hospital is focusing on the most challenging goal to continuously raise quality and safety to higher levelsquot

Our history has been of prudent and planned growth and we will continue to improve medical and patient care with the support of the communities Medical science has made tremendous strides in recent years Sophisticated diagnostic tools subtle noninvasive treatment techniques and miraculous new medicines have revolutionized health care As a result Americans are living both longer and healthier lives Alleghany Memorial Hospital has been keeping pace as demonstrated by the continuous improvements in the past years

Making Space for Progress

In the late 1990s the Hospital Board Medical Staff and Management Team developed a plan to expand enhance and fully modernize Alleghany Memorial Hospitals facilities

The complex program of construction and renovation was divided into two phases so the the delivery of services was not compromised as work proceeded

Phase I construction of a new Emergency Department new Surgical Suites with two new operating rooms a new Central Sterile Supply and Recovery Service as well as construction of a new Facility Services Center to provide boilers chillers and an electric distribution center to support facility expansions Construction of a new more private RegistrationAdmission Area and a new barrierfree Main Entrance and Lobby that will provide for all public functions such as receptioninformation main waiting area auxiliarygift shop public vending area and public restrooms The new Main Entrance will face a new parking lot and will have a canopy to protect patients and visitors from the elements The cost of Phase I with equipment and furnishings was 6 million

Phase II renovating surgery and emergency department space vacated during Phase I to expand the Radiolory Department enhance Mammography Services and develop dedicated waiting areas for Radiology Services OutpatientAmbulatory Surgery Services including preoperative and outpatient diagnostic services also will be developed in the newly vacated space The cost of Phase II with equipment and furnishings was 16 million
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