AdventHealth Winter Park Hospital

Name :

AdventHealth Winter Park Hospital

Address  :

200 North Lakemont Avenue

Town  :

Winter Park

State  :


Country  :


Post Code:


Phone  :


Web URL  :

AdventHealth Winter Park Hospital
  • Cancer Surgery
  • Cardiology
  • Children's Special Ward
  • Dedicate Intensive Care Unit for new Born
  • Neurologist
  • Orthopedics
  • Sport Injuiry Clinics
  • Urology
  • Vascular Surgeon

Total Number Of Beds : 297

Other Facilities

  • Pathology

Advance Facility

  • Medicine Facility
  • Medical Stores


Our Mission
Extending the Healing Ministry of Christ

Our faithbased mission is the foundation for everything we do We believe health should be measured in terms of the whole person mdash body mind and spirit And its our promise to you to help you feel whole With worldclass expertise and uncommon compassion were here for you through every phase of life


AdventHealth History

AdventHealth was formally founded in 1973 but traces its roots back to 1866 with a team of Seventhday Adventist medical pioneers in Battle Creek Michigan During a time when many treatments were as harmful as the conditions they attempted to cure our founders were considered revolutionaries for their belief that preventing disease was as important as treating it They believed the best care didnt treat only the body it also helped heal the mind and lift the spirit

Since our founding weve treated every patient as a creation of God deserving of extraordinary wholeperson care By focusing on the wholeperson and strengthening our mission AdventHealth today is a national leader in quality safety and patient satisfaction Our founders commitment and philosophy continue today in hundreds of hospitals nursing homes and clinics around the world
Karmanos Cancer Center receives HealthGrades 2012 Outstanding Patient Experience Award

HealthGrades analyzed patient satisfaction data for 3837 hospitals in the country using Hospital Consumer Assessment of Healthcare Providers and Systems HCAHPS hospital survey data obtained from the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services CMS The information was compiled from surveys given to a random sample of patients who were discharged from ... Read More

Do hospitals alone provide genuine healthcare

Baba Ramdevs trusts selling Ayurvedic medicines in India and abroad are now in the eye of a storm The IncomeTax Department has slapped them with a tax bill of Rs 58 crore for the assessment year 200910 on the ground that these activities are commercial in nature Most noncorporate hospitals outside the government sector are constituted as public ... Read More